
I'm simply saying that other adults who benefit from taxpayer funded services are not drug tested before they can go to public school, or ride on public busses, or utilize any number of public services. The welfare system is a public system like any other that is meant to benefit citizens. Why should the people who

Yes, illegal drugs are illegal, but the way in which drug laws are enforced is open to interpretation. Almost every person benefits from public assistance in some form, whether it be public schools, transportation, or anything else. Adults on welfare, just like other adults, deserve to be treated like adults.

What would you say about a mother who occasionally uses marijuana? Should she have her children taken from her and her benefits revoked? Not all drug users are drug addicts, just like not all drinkers are alcoholics. The problem with policies like this is that it lumps them all together.

Out of all the drugs tested for, marijuana is present in the urine for by far the longest, so unfortunately, marijuana users are going to be the primary people affected. People on welfare are probably going to spend at least some money on things that aren't completely necessary for survival. As adult human beings,

Too frequently, we don't even teach girls how to do the things we teach boys, and then we use that lack of knowledge to justify the differentness.

I think the general tone of the article was in support of Elton and his "relationship with his God". I think the only thing Kat was disagreeing with is the likelihood of starting a productive dialogue about abusive policies with that asshat Putin.

I support the message, but voyeuristic spray-tan Jesus is creeping me out.

A person's ethnicity does not cause lower test scores. They may be correlated, but to blame these findings on greater numbers of minorities is missing the point entirely, not to mention pretty racist. If latino and black college graduates really do have lower scores than their white counterparts, which you have yet to

Dogs give the best dirty looks.

I gave my Lab a soccer ball once. She tried to eat it. When that didn't work, she tried to use it as a pillow. It kept rolling out from underneath her head so she just kept following it to wherever it rolled, trying to lay on top of it.

I hope they portray R. Kelly as the child-raping predator that he is, and not try to paint it as some sort of forbidden, tortured love bullshit. Its Lifetime though, so I doubt it. I just can't with Lifetime since their ignorant, slut-shaming Amanda Knox "biopic".

I suppose Lifetime will have to dust itself off and try again, try again.

It would be lovely if the majority of the police force was made up of Bensons and Stablers, but it's not. Look at police brutality and racial profiling statistics. If most cops were do-gooders, the numbers wouldn't paint such a frightening picture. Do you really think that a profession that enables a person to maim

You originally claimed that the lower scores of U.S. college students was due to the increased number of hispanic and black students. I believe there is no evidence to back up this claim.

I know the difference between causation and correlation. I would argue with the premise that higher education is more elitist in Europe and Asia. In fact, the cost of education in the U.S. is much higher than many places in Europe, meaning socioeconomic background has more of an effect on attendance of U.S.

I also worked at an ice cream shop in high school, but the proprietors always took a huge cut of our tips so I never saw much of anything. The big tippers (a relative phrase in the ice cream shop business) always seemed to be mildly creepy older dudes.

My city is introducing a $15 minimum wage plan. In my city, this is a living wage, as in it's basically impossible to survive on less than that without welfare. The bullshit opponents spew on Facebook makes my blood boil. You hear a lot of "Burger flippers don't deserve $15 an hour" and "I chose to work hard and go to

I was really, really good at multiple choice tests in college. It's a skill in itself. I suppose I learned a lot. Not so much the actual material, but how to game the system, which might actually be more useful in the real world, sadly.

Why would you say that? For one, the passage clearly says that older college graduates faired just as poorly as recent college graduates, meaning that increased diversity on campus has had no effect on test scores. In fact, the article says that in 2000, 15 year olds, a more racially diverse demographic than college

I'm not saying that religious adults have been brainwashed. But I'd argue that religious children are. Young children accept what their parents tell them as undisputed facts, and that acceptance often continues into adulthood. Things learned in early childhood are deeply ingrained, and rethinking those kind of beliefs