
Drew Barrymore looks glorious.

In my experience, it's not atheists who shit on anyone's beliefs. Most atheists I know are constantly trying not to offend believers, because they know that their beliefs are sacred to them. It's believers that don't feel any need to be respectful or deferential to atheistic beliefs, because they don't see those

HORRAY FOR SEATTLE BANH MI! I will go to Saigon Deli till I die. Health code violations be damned!

cute kid + loving, supportive parents + Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah" = ALL THE TEARS

"Is nursing a women's club? Are men not entering as much as women because of sexism?"

There is nothing wrong with being a teacher, or nurse, or mother, but to claim that the reason more women do these jobs than work in politics or business is because women just like these jobs better is completely misguided. It ignores the fact that there are tons of women who would love to work in other fields, but

No. It's not necessary to bring up the president's entire history on every issue in every article written about him. You can praise a positive act that he did and it doesn't mean you're endorsing everything he's done. This site focusses on LGBT issues, so that's what th articles on here will discuss. Also, your

You're completely right. I didn't even know that about the gender marker policy change, and I still thought it was ridiculous to claim that American politics wouldn't affect someone living in Japan. I'd also imagine that the President of the United States taking a clear stance in favor of equality would influence

A speech at a LGBT reception is not the same as an official white house proclamation. This is important because he's not simply stating his own personal beliefs, he's speaking on behalf of the white house. It is relevant that this is a statement addressing the entire population, not a group of LGBT supporters.

Seriously. I don't know where this person got the idea that living somewhere else means you have no right to an opinion about anything occurring in the US. Probably the same place they got the idea that Flatizzas are an acceptable pizza substitute.

Your link, like your argument, does not work.

I have no words. Do you really think that gender disparities in different fields are based on individual personal preferences and not, I don't know, institutionalized discrimination, cultural expectations, and the sexism ingrained into every fucking facet of our society? I do not understand how you can be so quick to

Much like my iPhone, the devil comes equipped with a QR reader.

Confusing double negatives aside, Kat is correct when she asserts that such an in-depth presidential endorsement of LGBT Pride Month would have been unlikely 5 years ago. Is that what you're asking?

Kat does not claim that Obama created LGBT Pride Month. She is simply highlighting the fact that such an in depth, heartfelt statement from the president of the United States supporting LGBT equality is pretty groundbreaking and would not have happened five years ago. This is true. The New York Times Magazine did an

You are on a LGBT site. Kat reports on LGBT issues. Where Kat lives is irrelevant. If the president of France made a similar proclamation, I'm sure Kat would write a piece on that, because, like I said, THIS IS AN LGBT WEBSITE. If you want to read an in depth discussion on Obama's foreign policy go elsewhere.

I get the point you're trying to make, but I think the distinction is better stated as "anti-choice" vs. "anti-abortion". It is entirely possible to be "pro-choice" and also "anti-abortion", the two are not mutually exclusive. I think there are many kind, decent people who disagree with abortion personally, but

Cheerleaders generate a ton of revenue and publicity for the teams they represent, and they deserve to be compensated accordingly. They are skilled athletes who are trying to utilize their skill set in a marketable way. There are very few professional options for female gymnasts, other than teaching gymnastics, which

"67% of millennials who believe that they're "post-racial" and that race does not present a 'barrier to accomplishments'"

Jennifer Lopez looks fucking amazing. That is all.