
I have respect for people who take big fashion risks even if it doesn't pay off, but I just can't get behind boring club dresses for the red carpet. It's the billboard awards, not your BFF's bachelorette weekend in Vegas. GET IT TOGETHER, MIRANDA. YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS. (Or maybe you're not. I really know nothing

What the fuck, Joan? There are SO MANY WAYS to make fun of the Kardashian family without resorting to body-shaming, slut-shaming, or, even worse, baby-shaming. SO MANY WAYS.


Cheers to that. I'm so glad I live in an era where I can "date" without leaving my house.

True. The tiger always looks super over it too. Like they know that the guy is just going to use their pic to try and get laid via an iPhone app. Tigers are wise like that.

I downloaded it while out drinking because it looked like fun and apparently did a lot of swiping because I woke up to like 20 messages from random dudes that I never responded to.

"Look how adventurous I am! Have sex with me now and you can be adventurous too!" seems to be the underlying message here. Oh Tinder.

That's awful. I want to go to Thailand someday, and I can't deny that I'd love to meet a tiger but I really wouldn't want to support something like that.

You're very welcome!

A solid 15% (at least) of guys on Tinder have pictures with tigers. As a single lady and cat lover I can see the appeal but I have no idea where they have the opportunity to hang out with tigers and take these pictures. Is there an app where you can see available tigers in your area? I WANT IN ON THAT.

Sadly no. RIP ODB!


LUCKY. I saw them in high school. Good times.


Wu-Tang Clan (shaped dresses) ain't nothing to fuck with.

Alexis looks amazing in that outfit. And she made it herself which is super badass. If it happens to look like the Wutang logo when you're not standing with your legs together it's the original designer's fault, not hers. Bad RiRi.

Creeps who teach their kids to be creeps are the worst kind of creeps.

I really don't know that much about Taylor Swift, don't follow her on instagram, and I get all my celebrity info from Jezebel. All I can say is that I'd imagine it's difficult to maintain lasting relationships while in the public eye as much as she is. I've felt very deeply about people with whom I haven't had a very