
Actually no. Some women don't have "curves", no matter what their weight is. "Starvation lines" is a term you just made up. I googled it.

I really like Jennifer Garner. Alias is an amazing show, and she seems totally normal, just goes about her business and does normal mom stuff.

I'd guess it's not Taylor jumping from best friend to best friend, and more the press just temporarily obsessing about one of her friendships and hyping it up before switching over to another friendship the next week. And in the words of Mindy Kaling "best friend is a tier not a person".

If you are famous and you express an opinion, you will most likely get death threats. I'm sure Michael Sam got death threats, probably a lot more than Derrick Ward. If you threaten people with death via the internet, you a fucking insane. Don't give insane people a platform, and don't blame gay people in general for

I watched the civilian kill video that she exposed recently and it was horrifying. I hope I would be able to be as brave as Chelsea if I were in her position but I don't know if I could. She's a hero who sacrificed herself to expose treachery and I hope history remembers her as such.

YOU should shut the fuck up because YOUR remarks are ignorant and offensive. You have absolutely no right to comment on HER body or HER mind.

If you're not old enough to vote, you're not old enough to be voted for.

I totally feel you. Sometimes I get upset when I read those "curves are sexy, skinny is scary" type pieces because my body will never look like that. I wish we could celebrate all body types instead of pitting them against each other.

Thanks for apologizing! Talking about bodies is a minefield, sometimes it's hard not to offend. I'm sure I do it too sometimes. :)

There's a difference between "perfectly okay" and "less reprehensible".

I never compared emotional abuse to physical abuse. You are putting words in my mouth.

Lucky you. I guess I've had a lot of experiences that have changed the way I view things like violence. I don't think of ethics in an absolute, dichotomous "right" vs "wrong" way. I think there is a lot of grey area and room for interpretation. But there are many ethical frameworks that interpret things differently.

No. There are certainly some incidences of female on male violence that are worse than some instances of male on female violence. In general I think most violence by women against men is less serious than most violence by men against women. In general, most men are larger and more physically powerful than most women.

A US department of Justice study found that 84% of domestic violence victims were women. That is the statistic from which I inferred that male on female violence is more frequent. Perhaps it's different in Canada, or perhaps one of these studies is faulty. I chose the DOJ stats because I consider them to be a

Jay-Z did not leave the elevator looking like this. It's ignorant and offensive to compare the two incidents.


Honestly her end weight isn't inherently unhealthy. If she has health problems, it's likely the super-fast weight loss the show encourages that caused them. Past contestants of weight-loss shows have written about the problems their extreme weight loss caused health-wise, and how the shows don't care to help once the

There is no way that a female "should look". Period. I know plenty of happy, healthy, well-fed people who are her size. If she looked "exhausted and starved" (your opinion, and even a doctor really can't tell much about a person's eating habits by looking at them), it's because she was on a show that incentivizes

Interesting theory. I buy it. I feel bad for her, she's taking all the heat for the show's crappy policies.

I totally feel you. Honestly my self esteem pretty much sucks no matter what I weigh. I've gained 20 pounds since January and I feel like a failure because of it, as fucked up as that sounds. If I hear the phrase "bikini body" one more time I'm gonna lose it.