
Here's a perfect GIF for this story :

Is this satire?

Be honest, how much did you enjoy spelling out the full n-word like 50 times in that comment?

This. What is it about the n-word that makes some white folks so desperate to find a context in which they are allowed to use it? It's like, white folks can't say this one thing and we just can't handle it.

"If the slur would not plausibly and accurately be used against you, then you really have no business whatsoever dictating it's appropriate usage (if there is any)."

Or "My Writing is Not Good Enough to Stand on its Own: Why I Had to Shock People into Reading My Thing"

Has anyone reached his black best friend for a comment?

He should have just called his piece "I Am Desperate For Attention."

What would you say about a mother who occasionally uses marijuana? Should she have her children taken from her and her benefits revoked? Not all drug users are drug addicts, just like not all drinkers are alcoholics. The problem with policies like this is that it lumps them all together.

"Classic Lee. Always with the rape. What a scamp."

Five years is not nearly an adequate sentence for rape. This is disgusting the judge should be disbarred.

oh, well THAT'S the solution. Take the kids away! Because the foster care system isn't overwhelmed, not at all, the number of kids in foster care that are abused (by other foster care children, often, due to the horrific situation THEY were taken from) is minor, and there are tons and TONS of families just DYING to

"If I have to get drug tested to work my money, you should get drug tested to receive my money for free."

Agree one hundred percent. I am shocked by the comments on this article. Clearly drug testing is so commonplace now that people have become inured to it. I know that just about every single minimum wage job where I live now requires drug testing. (They didn't used to.) But to me, as someone who has never been drug

Word. Also, welfare's primarily meant to protect poor children. Kids get no say over whether their parents use drugs, and it's horrific if a child doesn't get dinner because the government found out mommy smoked pot.

Me too. And I had so much trouble keeping my benefits when all they needed was just like proof of rent and pay stubs. When I was on food assistance, with the way my case was handled, I probably would have gotten some letter in the mail dated a week ago informing me that I have two days to get my drug screen turned in

Uhh, lotsa govt grants are financial need based and don't require repayment. Why stop at welfare though? get drug tested before dmv renewals, after giving birth, parents enrolling kids in public schools? it's ridiculous and targets a specific group of people as if they're the root of all problems.

People need to realize this is not about saving money. It's about giving a handout to their friends who run the testing companies.

Because people who are addicted to drugs shouldn't be able to eat, right? Really, the best thing for everyone is to deny them any and all resources that might allow them to get help and get better.