
I disagree. I think violence can be justified. So do a lot of people. We have a military and police force that commits acts of violence on a daily basis, and they're sanctioned by the state.

Lol at "official feminist badge". Where can I get me one of those?

I didn't say men are "meant" to be dominant, just that our societal norms encourage them to be, just as they encourage women to be submissive and deferential. I don't think there's some big fascist "patriarchy" churning out propaganda, but I think there are misogynistic messages and attitudes are still present in our

Fair enough. I think some of it has to do with the way we make light of celebrity issues in general. We don't see them as real people but almost like fictional characters, so people have no problem making light of their behavior or issues. Look at how people talk about Lindsay Lohan's drug abuse or Amanda Bynes's

I suppose I disagree in that I don't think I can accurately judge a person's behavior without knowing what provoked them. We all have times where are emotions take over and we lash out in the moment. That doesn't mean what she did was the best possible response to whatever, if anything, may have set her off, but I

I see your point about our attitudes towards female violence. I would say that I think a lot of that has to do with the history of male on female violence, and how it's been used for so long in really terrible ways to subjugate women (and still is in many cultures, even ours), whereas female on male violence doesn't

Yo don't have to agree with me, but I don't think it's reasonable to make claims about what "every feminist" does. I don't expect people to believe anything I say but I have a right to make my case and I stand by my opinion that men and women have different standards for what constitutes "insulting or humiliating"

My comment didn't show up. One incidence of female on male violence doesn't negate the fact that male on female violence is far more frequent and far more likely to cause grave harm than female on male violence. Facts.

People can be shitty. But I like to think most guys know that not hitting women makes you a man, not a punk.

Obviously there are exceptions. But pointing them out doesn't really negate the premise that male on female physical violence is significantly more likely to cause grave harm. That's a fact. Obviously when weapons are introduced things can be different, but there was no weapon in this case. I never said who was to

Great. Why don't you go comment on an article about civilian military casualties or the death penalty or police brutality or any number of instances of violence not in self defense that are WAY more severe and worthy of attention than this one.

That sounds like a terrible situation and I feel for you. However I stand by my statement. Female on male physical violence can be a terrible, terrible thing, but the potential for grave harm doesn't come close to that of male on female physical violence. And there is a difference between a horrific, manipulative

I'm not rationalizing violence, simply stating that violence can be rationalized in certain situations.

That's not hypocrisy, those are facts. I'm not trying to justify violence, I'm simply making the claim that violence CAN be justified. Sometimes. Depending on the circumstances. My position isn't all that controversial, clearly our entire military and law enforcement systems have been built upon it.

You may not be able to feel it, but it's definitely there. I majored in sociology, and one of the major things you learn is that there is invisible bias and discrimination EVERYWHERE. As someone who wants to be a mother, you should know that in terms of employment, your status as a parent will count against you, but

I never said feminists are perfect and I don't agree with some of Tracie's positions, but she and other feminists like her are not responsible for the MRA movement anymore than some civil rights activists are responsible for the white supremacy movement. Both are the result of bigotry and privilege.

Right back atcha buddy. After browsing your comment history, I've gotta give myself a pat on the back for offending you. If your crazy ass thinks that I'm everything that's wrong with the world I'm clearly doing something right.

Basically everything women do is fodder for the MRAs. Their arguments aren't based on evidence or logic. They're going to find a way to blame and degrade women no matter what Tracie or anyone else writes.

When you're an MRA any tiny hint of success or gains that women achieve is ammunition for that claim, because MRAs don't realize or acknowledge their own privilege. Tracie is entitled to her opinion. I don't agree with everything she says, but telling her not to express her opinion for fear of upsetting the men is the