
I never said it did. Women can be wrong. Feminists can be wrong. But blaming a few feminists for the existence of the entire MRA movement? It negates the real causes of the rise of groups like this, which are prejudice and privilege, plain and simple.

If you think a man hitting a woman is no different from woman hitting a man then you're the crazy one. I'm not condoning violence at all. Just so we're clear I think NO ONE SHOULD HIT ANYONE ELSE. But not all violence is morally comparable. Physical power matters. Intergroup dynamics matter.

Demographics are relevant, and a privileged person attacking a marginalized person is different, not necessarily worse in most cases, but definitely different, than the opposite. This is why crimes can only be classified as hate crimes, a more serious offense in the eyes of the law, if the victim is a member of a

The CDC study relied on self-reporting. What some men consider to be "controlling or dominant behavior" in their female partners is likely similar to what many woman consider to be typical male behavior that they wouldn't label as controlling or dominant because it's so commonplace, and thus don't report it as such.

That article was not Tracie's best work, agreed. But blaming "feminists like Tracie" for the existence of men's rights activists? Just no.

No matter their class, woman still have to deal with certain problems that come standard with being a woman in our society. Women are still disadvantaged when compared to men of the same class. Same with racial and sexual minorities. Women have historically been beaten and subjugated by men, and that still affects the

Yes, blame feminism for anti-feminism because logic! The idea that people should stop arguing for their rights because it might cause their opponents to argue against their rights is stupid. It's like saying that white supremacists only exist because of civil rights activists.

Without knowing what provoked her outburst, you can't really make a judgement on whether her actions were wrong or not. Thus the speculation.

When considering the power balance between people you have to look not just at the relationships of the individuals involved, but also they way in which the demographic groups the individuals belong to relate to one another. Even if a particular man is not the professional superior of the woman he is interacting with,

Yes, all violence is wrong. I'm not saying it's not. What I'm saying is that female on male violence is in no way comparable to male on female violence, so all these cries of hypocrisy and double standards are just stupid.

Reporting and re-reporting a story like this means that way more people than just the regular readers who care about women's issues will be clicking through to Jezebel. Sadly, 90% of these people seem to be MRA trolls.

No one got beat up. A bodyguard was holding Solange back the whole time. Even if he hadn't been there, Solange is 5'8' and female, Jay-Z is 6'2' and male. Female on male violence is not on the same level as male on female violence. The power balance is different, both physically and socially.

I clicked through just to check if this Ashley O'Connor person was a woman and not an old-timey Southern gentleman named Ashley a la Gone With the Wind, which would make way more sense, considering the sexist nonsense she's spouting.

Joni Erst will shoot anything she doesn't agree with! Wasteful spending! Obamacare! Maybe even you! Vote Joni Ernst!

The 84% stat was courtesy of the US Department of Justice. So it's just as legit as the CDC. I'm not dismissing the psychological abuse statistics you cite, merely saying that citing stats about one type of abuse doesn't give a good picture of overall rates of abuse.

Stating that "speculation abounds" isn't biased, it's standard reporting of the facts. It would be irresponsible journalism to assume that there was no provocation whatsoever in this case, as Solange has no history of violence and looked clearly upset.

Probably not my best comeback. But my outdated language has nothing on your outdated and ignorant worldview.