
Ellen Page's eyes though. This is the most perfect shade of brown I've ever seen.

I already wanted to be best friends with Beyonce but now I REALLY WANT TO BE BEST FRIENDS WITH BEYONCE.

Whenever there's a big celebrity story like this the MRA trolls come out in full force. It's definitely idiot season.

You're right, the real problem in the Chris Brown case has little to do with his career and everything to do with the fact that he should have been in jail for that assault. If he was where he belonged, the second assault would never have happened.

"Men, it's A-OK to assault women as long as you use restraint. Open-palms only guys!" I just can't even. And no one has any idea what the fight was about, so it's impossible to say if Jay did something awful that warranted that response or if, as you suggest, bitches just be crazy.

For a different assault. He got off with probation for assaulting Rihanna then (shocker!) assaulted someone else. He still tours, makes records, and has legions of fans.


The only thing you deserve to be eating is a knuckle sandwich courtesy of Michael Sam. That or dog shit.

No other crime can compare to the victim blaming involved in sexual assault. This is a fact. But I'm over this exchange, so believe whatever you want.

Statistics are valuable, but are not proof on their own. However, when looking at the larger picture ( incidences of rape, treatment of victims by the media, the way the court system deals with cases of sexual violence) it becomes clear that we are looking at a problem that is systemic, cultural, and widespread.

For one, that is not what the vast majority of robberies look like, and that little hypothetical thought experiment is in no way comparable to the millions of real life comments, news stories, and reports that fault women for their own rape. When you read about a robbery, or a murder, or fraud or what have you,

No they don't. Not at all. You never hear "He was really asking to be murdered dressed like that" or "If she didn't want to be murdered she shouldn't of been drinking". You just don't. When it comes to other crimes, people seem to have no trouble at all acknowledging that the crime was the fault of the perpetrator,

I don't think anyone here is using personal anecdotes as evidence at all. Most commenters are citing statistics or referencing the ways in which famous cases like Steubenville were treated by law enforcement and the media as evidence.

You're a woman who was falsely accused of sexual assault? I'm actually very interested in hearing about your experience, as it is a rare situation and not a point of view that's often heard. However, using your personal experience to deny the existence of a widespread cultural phenomenon like rape culture is doing the

"This wouldn't have happened if she hadn't of been drinking."

Whenever this bitch opens her mouth I'm just like...

Who the hell wants to LARP with a "staunch conservative"?

How about mandatory counseling sessions instead?