
Apparently Jake Rush " is running on a platform of traditional marriage, strict constitutionalism, strong national defense, and repealing Obamacare."

Perfect comment, perfect gif.

For real though, this guy sounds like a real shit-stick.


You're gif is much appreciated!

Fair enough. I think if enough people speak out and people publicly shame him for his actions, working with him will be a detriment to a person's career not an advancement, and no one will have to make that choice. But I agree that the onus is on the more established celebrities/models to stop endorsing Terry by

I'm not saying she was forced or anything, just that having those chimo eyes on you would make anyone want to take a shower. I know literally nothing about her backstory, so I guess I'll go on a googling spree now.

It's gotta be difficult to do that dance when you've got this creepaholic leering at you from behind the camera.

Nothing against Kate Upton personally, but I think the magnitude of her fame compared to that of other models sends troubling message about the value of appealing to men in what is clearly a female dominated industry. She rose to mega stardom for the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue and that "Cat Daddy"

I need that jumpsuit in my life.

The plot thickens...

So I don't buy into the theory that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by the CIA or the Kennedys or whomever, but I think the evidence strongly suggests that her death was an accident resulting from negligence on the part of her doctors, not a suicide. She was being treated by two doctors at the time of her death, a


I wish someone would identify this person, locate them, sneak into their room while they're sleeping, and yell "WAKEUP ASSHOLE!!!" as loud as they can in their ear. That's all.


Now playing

"You know I love you when you're loving me
Sometimes it's better when it's publicly
I'm not ashamed, I don't care who sees
Us hugging & kissing our love exhibition"

Are we talking about the cover or the cover story? Because I don't think Vogue ever pushes the envelope with the actual cover, and the Kanye and Kim cover (I hate the word Kimye - they're two different people!) was no exception. White dress + black suit = mega boring. As for the cover stories, hearing people talk

I agree with you that Nikki deserves her own cover, but saying that Kim Kardashian does not share the talent, accomplishments, and unique fashion sense that her husband has isn't trashing, it's just stating the facts.

I feel like if a bunch of fans (or Jezebel commentators) got together and remade these movies they could be really great. But instead they're made by a bunch of Hollywood types trying to find the most profitable combination of plot tweaks and terrible casting decisions, with no regard for the integrity of the original