
I have no problem with Kanye being on the cover. He's talented, accomplished, and influential within the fashion industry. Despite being a dude, he's a natural choice. Since Vogue only puts men on the cover if they're accompanied by a female, it would've been great if they'd picked a woman with similar traits as West

What's with all the Kate Bosworth hate on Jezebel recently? Sure, she may not be the most talented or popular actress in Hollywood, but, unlike Kardashian, she's certainly has talent and is a working actress. Does she get more press than her works deserves? Maybe. But she's working. Her IMDB shows that she's been

I think it's safe to say that the most significant reason for the elevated sales is the unprecedented (and probably manufactured) controversy leading up to the cover. If there hadn't been rumors about Kim Kardashian being banned from the pages of Vogue for months before the cover, I doubt people would be half as

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Terrible video quality, but had to post it anyway.

Two Words: TIGER WOODS. Cheating has NOTHING to do with the attractiveness of the person being cheated on and EVERYTHING to do with the character of the person doing the cheating.

You're not obligated to be friends with anyone, non-binary trans or otherwise. But it is dismissive to label other peoples feelings about their gender identity as "navel-gazing", just like it's dismissive to label other peoples feelings about their sexual orientation or religion or status as a parent or any other part

I seriously used to live on Summit. HOW DID YOU KNOW?

I'm not telling you to be offended by anything, I was expressing my personal opinion. Everyone has the right to be offended by what they chose to be. That includes you but also me. For the record, I'm not offended by anyone who wears a bindi without being religious, I've seen a lot of people with really cool, unique

I don't think you or anyone else has a right to speculate on the legitimacy of the gender identification of others. You don't know their experience and you're not privy to their thoughts and feelings about gender. It is incredibly dismissive not to mention false to claim that people with a non-binary gender

A person's gender isn't an "ideology".

The sentence is unclear and does not explicitly state that.

Where I'm from we call it "The Macklemore". Bet you can guess where I'm from.

This is good news, especially for non-cis people who don't feel an affinity with either binary gender, but I hope they allow transgendered people who wish to be recognized as "male" or "female" to do so, instead of being relegated to the third category against their wishes.

The world's most privileged 20-somethings dressing in the trappings of anti-consumerist hippie culture and wearing symbols representing wisdom and spiritual development. SO MUCH IRONY.

Not automatically. But wearing these clothing, accessories, and culturally and religiously important symbols for a weekend so you can look bohemian and free for a music festival, then discarding them like garbage on Monday sends the message that these symbols are disposable. The article is specifically addressing

Kathie Lee gets paid millions of dollars to DRINK WINE AND TALK. But sure, it's the poor that are getting "handouts".

I can't stand the Coachella faux-hemian crowd. It's not just that they're appropriating meaningful cultural symbols like the bindi, but the way that they treat these symbols as disposable, like a costume they can cast aside once the weekend is over.

Officer Angulo is with the Special Victims Unit???

The issue of sexual assault on college campuses and the way that law enforcement and University officials have sought to cover up allegations, especially when the accused is an athlete, is an incredibly timely and relevant issue. President Obama recently called attention to it and is forming a White House task force