
I have nothing against bisexuality but I do have something against poorly executed surveys. 100 respondents via social media? Seriously? "Not scientifically rigorous" is the understatement of the century. Also, If there were only 100 respondents, what's with the 26.5%? Are they counting someone as half a person or


This was actually really worrying me until a helpful commentator shared the fact that the "series of tasks measuring cognitive function" was actually a computer game. Seriously. Not even one the researchers created for the study, a regular one. ALERT THE MEDIA!! NEW STUDY PROVES YOUNG PEOPLE ARE BETTER AT VIDEO GAMES

Perhaps this has to do with the fact that young people were recently in school, where their cognitive abilities are constantly being exercised and expanded by the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. Most careers involve a lot of repetition and not a lot of skill building and new mental challenges, so it could be

It saddens me how much competition there is out there for the title of "World's Most Astounding Pervert Televangelist".

Fair enough. In my opinion, both girls looked like they were trying way too hard in their videos. For me it's hard to focus on the dancing in Miley's videos because I object to so much of the image she's trying to project. Beyonce though, she is SUPPLE.

Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, a professor at Nashville's Aquinas College

Awful people stealing awfulness from other awful people.

Racist schtick is obnoxious and reprehensible, whether you look awkward and stiff doing it or sensuous and supple ("supple"? really?). Neither of these performers deserve the attention they've received.


Joe attracts the coolest ladies.

Go for it!

I took Philosophy of Sociology and Philosophy of Religion in college (and a slew of other philosophy courses dealing with Friedrich "God is Dead" Nietzsche), and the professors were redonkulously sensitive and accommodating to religious believers. But don't take my word for it, God's Not Dead people, go to college!

From the bible: Psalm 101:7 "He who practices deceit shall not dwell within my house."

Miley Cyrus would probably benefit a lot from taking this class.


I totally know people like this. They recently moved from my rainy, cynical West Coast city (I'll just call it "Lindy-land"...I think everyone will get where I'm talking about) to L.A., and now they do juice cleanses and have their own Reiki masters. Considering their copious Facebook check-ins, I'm pretty sure they

It means your aura is flattering and goes with everything.

That song choice was AWFUL. When you mute it and put on some Shakira it really isn't so bad.

Those are the manliest tears I've ever seen.