
I've been seeing some top-notch Van Der Beek gifs today. I had no idea how giff-able he was.

I AM SUPER INTO THE GOOD WIFE RIGHT NOW. I approve of your gif usage.

Semi-related anecdote: During my tween years I had a book of spells you could do involving your cat (it was predictably-titled CatSpells). My kitty was pretty ambivalent about the "magic" we did together. Also way too many of the spells required a full moon.

Just looked it up. The Street Activity Permit Office DOES allow religious events. No mention made of having to prove your event was "indigenous". Looks like it's just straight-up old-fashioned discrimination. Lame.

Do they let other religious groups use the park? If they're just not down with letting religious groups hold events in public parks I totally understand (even if this sounds super fun), but if they do then this is some bullshit.

I really wanted this to be a gif, but the internet failed me.

Never heard that about the nerve damage...interesting. I can't help but wonder what it feels like to have all that stuff in your face or lips...probably as weird as it looks.

Too much filler in the nasolabial folds. I don't get why people fill in creases that aren't even age-related, just part of a normal human face.

Throwing a gender-reveal party for a baby penguin sounds like something Leslie Knope would do. In the absolute best way possible.

I think as the accusations gain more traction in the media more and more models will come forward, but I can understand why they wouldn't want to. The women who have come forward have been vilified by some press outlets, and for women still working in the industry, coming forward with allegations about such a powerful

You're so right. I'm sure she's a lovely woman just trying to make sure that these frightened teenagers give the best hand jobs they can.

Sexual misconduct isn't always violent, it doesn't always involve drugs, and it doesn't always involve a clear "no", but that doesn't make it consensual. Some predators use grooming techniques to persuade their victims to do things they clearly aren't comfortable with. Terry Richardson uses his female assistant to egg

I'm so glad someone finally brought up the parallels between sexual assault and wearing stupid hats. Someone clearly has their stupid hat on today.

Kim and Kanye are two completely different people. I hate that people keep talking about the backlash from 'Kimye' making the cover. 'Kimye' is not a person. Being opposed to Kim making the cover does not mean you don't think Kanye deserves it, and vice versa. Being married/engaged/together does not make you a single

I would imagine colleges have their own policies regarding reporting sexual assault to the police, and I'm not sure how they handle it. I do know that police can investigate a rape without the victim's approval and prosecutors can decide to pursue the case without her cooperation as well, but it is obviously very

Whatever you do, DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS ON THE CAROLINE KITCHENS ARTICLE. Trust me on this. The trolls on Jez have nothing on those ignorant assholes.

God knows the criminal justice system doesn't have a great track record when it comes to sexual assault, but isn't letting college authorities handle it essentially guaranteeing that perpetrators won't do time? I feel like whenever I read about colleges dealing with sexual assaults on their own, they're pushing it

I found that statistic here: