
55% of gang rapes on college campuses are committed by fraternities, 40% by sports teams, and 5% by others.

If you're going to put a reality star on the cover of Vogue, I say RUPAUL OR NO ONE.

So am I. So much derailing and gaslighting to do, so little's just too much for a willfully obtuse individual like myself.

Calling all disdain towards Kim Kardashian slut shaming is to dismiss the valid opinions of people who have a problem with her fame for legitimate reasons that have nothing to do with her sex life. You are dismissing my agency, to borrow your words, by dismissing my well thought out opinions as being "willfully

Misogyny is relevant to any thread about Kim Kardashian, because without it she wouldn't be famous and this thread would't exist. My problem is not the sex tape or her appearance, and if sex tapes and physical appearance (no matter how surgically altered) were what our society deemed worthy of fame for EVERYONE, I

I think it is entirely possible to have a problem with her fame without slut-shaming her. It is possible to recognize her fame and her existence in the public sphere as the most obvious example of a larger problem. It's impossible to discuss Kim Kardashian and her fame without looking at the skewed way women are

I did. I don't see how that contradicts my point. Kim Kardashian's fame makes a lot of women angry, and rightfully so, because it enforces the dangerous and misguided cultural idea that what makes a woman deserving of attention is her appearance and sexuality. It's not about shaming her for her sex tape or her

There is no male equivalent to Kim Kardashian. There are men who have made sex tapes and slept with famous people and are admired for their appearance, but there is not a single man who is even half as famous as Kim Kardashian who became famous simply for these reasons. This sends the message to the young girls who

This is true. Motherhood has a profound effect on hiring practices as well. Mothers are less likely to get hired than their single counterparts, and fathers are more like likely to get hired than unmarried men.

A lot of the issues associated with pay discrepancies have to do with the fact that society attaches a lower value to professions in which more women are employed, like teaching and nursing. It is no coincidence that these positions tend to be paid lower than stereotypically "male" professions, and it has nothing to

OR maybe God was so pleased with society's progress on civil rights issues that he decided to wipe out Polio and Smallpox and Yellow Fever for us? Hmmm?

That was super sweet. HUGS!!! Hugs all around!!

My Cat From Hell is a show????? For real?? CHECKING NETFLIX NOW.

Right now some anti-vaxxers are high-fiving each other because theirs is only the SECOND craziest explanation for autism.

I have no problem with people choosing to boycott publications who work with Terry Richardson, in fact, I encourage it. People should also be boycotting studios that work with Woody Allen, R. Kelly's record label, and a slew of sports stars, politicians, and CEOs who are all guilty of sexual exploitation. Abusive

"I think it's best that you go home to be with your babies."

I know, small steps. I just find it really ironic that when they sued for being underpaid and won, they ended up being underpaid.

The fashion industry is not the problem here. There is nothing inherently degrading about fashion or photography. I used to model, and I never once felt degraded or objectified, in fact, I found it to be an empowering experience. The photographers I worked with were respectful and treated me like a professional, the

So each worker got approximately $312 from this suit? Am I missing something?

I'm a twenty-something that would love to date Johnny Depp, but it still really bums me out that Johnny Depp is dating a twenty-something.