
The best. RIP Annie Potts's original pink prom dress.

James Spader is why I'm attracted to men I can't stand on a personal level.

You've managed to combine my two favorite things: the movie Zoolander and hating on racists. Kudos.

You can tell that lion is NOT FEELIN IT. He's like "stick your tongue out one more time and I'm going to bite it off, you cultural-appropriating Miley Cyrus wannabe".

Where can I find this glorious film in it's entirety???

I'm really sorry that happened to you. Normally my comments are very verbose and tend to contain a lot of jokes, but in this instance all I can say is how sorry I am that you had to go through that.

So corporations are people but people in corporations aren't people...logic?

Collarless peacoats and timeless couples for the win!

You see bad photoshopping, I see a pair of bikini bottoms engineered to cover my errant upper thigh pubic hairs! Huzzah!

Can we start a Jezebel Fight Club? I need an outlet for the uncontrollable rage I feel after reading articles like this.

I am skinny-fat. I reserve the right to live as unhealthy a lifestyle as I want, without criticism*. I reserve the right to consider bacon a necessary food group. I reserve the right to eat frosting straight from the tube (ditto for whipped cream and cookie dough). I reserve the right to consider physical exercise a

Telling that dude not to demean and undermine women is like telling the wind not to blow (and not even the wind blows as hard as this guy...tornado status). He's a sad little troll, who probably blames women for his own failure. I worked myself into a frenzy earlier over this douche-nozzle and he is just not worth it.

How about we all agree to not use the word "Ick" to describe other people's bodies. Fat, thin, or skinny-fat, judgement is not a particularly flattering look on anyone.

That will be my last comment, I have a busy schedule today (all that "fear and disdain for all men" isn't going to create itself, you know!)

I'm not assuming anything. Every trolly comment you make on this site is either calling a woman a liar and accusing her of "playing the victim" for reporting her own sexual assault, or discussing the many ways in which you are a victim of women "creating fear and disdain for all men" (Oh, the irony). I've looked at

You have never met or spoken with this woman. You were not there. The only thing you or I have to go on is what this woman said happened, and a knowledge an understanding of psychological phenomena common to people experiencing a trauma. Her account lines up perfectly with other accounts of people who have experienced

The clinical term for what this woman experienced is "peritraumatic dissociation". The non-clinical term for the attitude expressed by your comments is "sexist assholery".

I spent several weeks in a very small rural town in the Middle East about 8 years ago. The roads were unpaved, and most of the villagers did not have indoor plumbing. But many did have phones. In fact, I would say most families had at least one member with a cellphone. This wasn't a luxury, it was a necessity. In a

Funny, neither the Florida Times article linked nor any of the other three I read mentioned that. I question information that is not reported by any respectable mainstream news outlets. Also, it seems unlikely that Ms. Alexander and her husband/attacker were in cahoots after the incident, considering he tried to kill