
If you are locked in the house with someone threatening your life, you are in IMMEDIATE FUCKING DANGER.

Nothing in the article points to Satanism. The primary perpetrator was an Evangelical and the abuse took place in an Evangelical church. This is a case of Evangelical ritual abuse. Just because their rituals resemble pop culture depictions of so-called Satanism does not mean that's what they were practicing.

This is true. Not all anti-choicers are religiously motivated, but they very often are. I was just trying to point out how extremism of any religion can lead to violence and terrorism, and the majority of the most famous bombers, like Eric Rudolph, James Kopp, Scott Roeder, and Paul Jennings Hill, have been motivated

Everyone on that show is losing to much weight too fast to the point that it's unhealthy. That is the entire point of the show. It's dismissive of the actual problem to focus on this one individual contestant as if unhealthy rapid weight loss is a new phenomenon on the Biggest Loser, and not the show's entire premise.

Yeah, I get that, I just think "Satanism" is a vastly overused and misused term. There is Satanism as it relates to the Church of Satan, which embraced the term almost ironically, as they believe all gods are fiction, and there's "Satanism" as the media portrays it, which seems to be a blanket term for any sinister

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't sex abuse that took place in an Evangelical church and was orchestrated by an Evangelical assistant pastor technically be an Evangelical sex abuse case? It doesn't sound like the Church of Satan was involved in any way here.

Some people I know went to that event. Too overcome with jealousy to think of a caption right now.

I suppose she seems more exotic to Americans because there aren't a lot of Brazilians here, but her look isn't that unique in Brazil and South America. I know a Columbian girl who puts Adriana to shame. Allison and Adriana are both beautiful, just different. I'm sure Brazilians would find Allison's look more exotic

There were these metal bars on the sides that would come unhinged and stick out of my mouth if I opened my mouth too wide, thus the vampire nickname. Also the mental bar on the roof of my mouth gave me a pretty noticeable speech impediment. I didn't talk much in middle school...

Who cried at the end of 50 First Dates? I mean, the movie itself wasn't spectacular but man, that ending.

All I can say is their kids will definitely not need braces.

Honestly, if I had to do a life/looks swap with anyone, it would definitely be Beyonce, hands down. I think you're selling Allison Williams short though, she rarely wears a lot of makeup and her bone structure is ridiculous. To each her own I guess.

I don't have the acting chops for Breaking Bad, but I could play Marnie in my sleep. I think Allison Williams is on the same level beauty-wise as Adriana Lima, they're just different (also Adriana spends a lot more time in her underwear making bedroom eyes).

I don't know what his first pet's name was or what street he grew up on, but Ricky Van Veen's porn star name is definitely Dicky Van Peen.

She can keep her engagement, I mostly just want her face and career.

Allison Williams is like that perfect girl from your high school that has it all and you really want to hate her but you can't, because she's also really nice.

Stay strong! They'll appreciate you in the long run. I look back and have the greatest respect for my middle school teachers for enduring the crap they did.

HAROLD & MAUDE. My brain didn't even make the connection till I saw this.

My clutch and I can handle the going to dinner/sitting down part, it's the getting up/leaving the restaurant part where my clutch seems to get away from me. Granted, I have a serious problem with losing things. I do love the look though!