
Far, far more lives have been ruined by rape than false rape claims. The tarnishing of an innocent person's reputation is regrettable, but it's not nearly as tragic, or prevalent, as sexual assault. False rape claims are not an epidemic, but rape is. Sometimes you need to accept some negative consequences, like false

I think Dodai explains the problem with Miley best, and it has nothing to do with sexuality or shock value.

Why do so few male celebrities have "haters"? Not just people who dislike them, but people who really hate them on a personal level without any real tangible evidence against them? Sure, Woody Allen and Chris Brown certainly have a lot of people voicing their opposition to them, but that's because they are literally

Is Tilda Swinton too old for this? I think she'd nail it.

Tell me, Susan Patton, how am I supposed to bring all the boys to my yard without using my milkshake?

Oh, sweet Lindy. You had me at "Lucille Bluth cosplayer". Marry me before my value diminishes!

Also, my deepest, deepest condolences go out to Stephen Delph. Family is a crapshoot, sorry your brother turned out so lame.

Why can't real life Indiana politicians be like Leslie Knope???

Poor Tommy. Sophia's going to be just fine obviously, as she's got a loving family and will probably forget about this by next week, but Tommy has to live with this lady for 11 more years.

I had TONS of skating outfits when I skated as a kid, but they were all made by my incredibly talented grandmother. Reading this makes me appreciate her even more.

While I think scientific proof that homosexuality is genetic can be helpful in convincing the yahoos its not a choice, it's a double edged sword. If we are able to narrow it down to a specific gene, said yahoos might use that information to "play god" (their words) and try and eradicate gayness through abortion or

Thanks for the tip! I quit smoking recently, and I'm trying to eat better and moisturize more regularly. Hopefully I can look as Frida-esque as possible at 29.

True. I'm only 24 though and sometimes when I look in the mirror without makeup I think I look as old as time. But a lot of its sun damage, and smoking, and my general lack of celebrity beauty routines.

True. I'm only 24 though and sometimes when I look in the mirror without makeup I think I look as old as time. But a lot of it's sun damage, and smoking, and my general lack of celebrity beauty routines.

I've always thought Superman was a pretty boring character, as far as superheroes go. I'd say have Idris play Batman, he's much more dark and complex, and a better use of Idris's considerable acting talents.

Oh hey Frida, it's me, Aging. We've obviously never met, as you look as flawless and perfect as you did in Slumdog Millionaire. Curse you and your radiant smile and perfect skin.

I majored in sociology, so I tend to be very skeptical of conclusions about causation that people draw from studies like this. That being said, I find the correlation completely unsurprising. I have another hypothesis for why this might occur. I live in an awesome, culturally rich, liberal, and diverse city. We have

Bummer. I also think men have a harder time grasping the concept that you can participate in sex even if you're not putting your P in a V. Here's hoping you get some!

It's not the "overly masculine Guinness mirrors" that turn women off about Hooters. Trust me.

But what about Galentine's Day??