
Also, lets hope he gets some endorsements and can help his family out!

Awww. I was a child figure skater, and even though I gave it up a long time ago, I still love a good skater story. I was a die-hard Kwan fan back then.

For the record, let me first state that I abhor the Duggars, and find them at best to be a tragic case of child-hoarders, and at worst a child-abusing cult family. Their rationale for the "always be available to your husband for sex" thing is sexist and stupid...BUT...*still hates Duggars even though I'm saying

YES. For anyone dressing up as a person or character of another race, I advise you look to Ellen Degeneres and her Nikki Minaj costume. You do not need to change your skin to portray someone in a recognizable (and in this case hilarious) way. If you feel you do, it means your costume (and probably you) sucks.

Stupid broken gif...

Considering the song, you'd think she would've gone with something more, I don't know...equestrian?

Considering the song, you'd think she would've gone with something more, I don't know...equestrian?

The whole show is about starving yourself and overexercising. This woman did exactly what I'm sure every other contestant did in the hopes of winning a huge payload. There is nothing inherently unhealthy with being 5'4" and 105, the unhealthy part is losing such a huge amount of weight in such a short period, which

I wish the media could discuss the obvious health issues and general awfulness of The Biggest Loser without singling out and body-shaming this one woman. She isn't responsible for taking it to far, the entire concept of the show was about taking it too far. I would wager that the majority of contestants on the show