
it's fitting that she chose sorkin's stuff to do this, because it's the one reason i can't get into scandal; it is written way too much like sorkin. a bunch of fast, snappy, 'witty' dialog where people don't talk like actual people.

The moment you use your credit card, you are at risk. That doesn't absolve a thief. Bitch.

I would say something along the lines of <This is immature, own your shit.

Why do people do this coy "Not gonna say it but I'm saying it anyway! Tee hee!" BS? If you don't want to engage, don't. Since you clearly do, why bother pretending? It's spineless and never 1/100th as clever as the speaker seems to think it will be. And it does a disservice to both the issue and your audience.

If you talk to one of these dudes (not recommended) every single one of them, like ALL OF THEM, will drone on and on about what wonderful special men they are for "cutting the bullshit" and "being direct." Every single one of these dudes believes he's the only man brave enough to just straight-up demand sex, and that

Why can't you date late 20s/early 30s women who don't want children?

. . . Is that a serious question? OF COURSE IT DID. Decades of 20 year old guys with Scarface posters in their dorm rooms is testimony to that.

It's a movie about bad people that goes to great lengths to glamorize them. The movie is a moral bait-and-switch, promising on one hand to let the audience feel morally superior to the characters while at the same time making the spectacle of depravity the movie's main selling point.

If I could edit my post and write what you said instead — I would!

Plus at this point, if a man is unattached after age 30 it's usually because he doesn't want to commit.

Needs more otter.

I more of a Matthew McFadyen-in-a-field-at-sunrise kind of a girl, but I appreciate the sentiment.

"You come at the King Crab, you best not miss"

Aaaaannnnnnd I'm dead.

Patrick Stewart surprised an 11-year-oldStar Trek fan with a chronic disease at Dragon Con.

This is part of what was in my brain (a leeeetle rough)

Yeah, that wasn't one of my greater Kinja moments. What I meant, but didn't state well, was that I hope they give a very barbed response to the "lol, don't take nude photos, silly slut" crowd. A response that not only says "I have the right to take as many nudes as I want, assholes; you don't have the right to steal

That's really smart! I would do that, but I try to only use the toilet once, maaaaybe twice during the entire flight. I would literally stab someone just to secure my regular window seat, but I also feel like an asshole getting people to move for me.