
I know just how Mimimister feels. Unless I come across their name on a celebrity news website and happen to remember it, I am clueless when it comes to the younger generation of actors/singers. JLaw, Emma Stone, the Harry Potter kids being the exceptions.

Or they just preferred the taste of Diet. Once you drink it for long enough it tastes normal and "normal" soda tastes horrendously sweet.

Appropriate reaction:

Oh, those poor babbies.

This is an app-based service like Lyft or Uber. You have to use the app to order a SheRides cab. There is no scenario in which you'd hail a cab or call for one and it turned out to be a SheRides cab that you weren't allowed to ride. Does that make your boo-boo all better, you poor thing?

Also, along this line of reasoning, supporting the NFL is hypocritical if you are a PERSON, considering that the NFL harbors (alleged) criminals of all stripes (murderers, assault, animal abusers, rapists, etc.).

I get what you're saying about individual versus bigger societal safety, but I still can't get behind this. This women-only cab company is just a place for women who have been pushed out of regular cab use by sexual harassment and/or violence. Sure, calling the lady-only cab company is nice on the one hand, but I'd

I think the idea is that if people en masse suffered the inconvenience of not giving money to a misogynistic organization, that organization would be forced to change its culture. Then you could watch your favorite team without knowing your putting money in the pockets of terrible, terrible people.

Kinda, yeah. I mean, how are there to be consequences otherwise? You're not choosing to support SCOTUS - that's part of your taxes. But you are choosing to support the NFL. I mean, you can support your team if you want, but the way I see it, it is pretty hypocritical. Doesn't make you a bad person or anything.

Your team staying popular equals more money in the pockets of all other franchises and NFL brass.


I travel a lot. On the one hand, I totally agree with you that this doesn't address any of the entrenched structural violence that makes women feel unsafe to begin with, and we really REALLY need to be working on that. On the other hand ... shit. I've had a number of genuinely terrifying (and I don't scare easily)

She isn't saying that you should give up your team or loving your team. She's saying that you should recognize that supporting your team (and through them the NFL) while being disgusted at the way the NFL handled the situation makes you a hypocrite. She doesn't say "bad person". She says "hypocrite".

I'm a lifelong NFL fan, but I've agreed with sentiment a few times in the past in parts elsewhere in the Gawkerverse have been shouted down for it.

I'm sorry, but I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this article. I am supposed to stop supporting a team I grew up loving because the asshole higher ups made and a completely terrible decision? I have to choose between being a feminist and supporting a team whose fan ship is huge part of my identity? Of course Ray

Consider forming really strong opinions about independent video games.

Excellent. I never cared one way or another about football, and have never in my life even considered supporting the NFL. The fact that they appear to be tone deaf assholes is even more justification for my position. Win!

I used to write a column for Portland's alternative weekly about my adventures driving a cab at night. I thought some of you might enjoy the first one:

You know why I don't take you seriously? Women, brown and gay people deal with being specifically targeted by the media and criticized, blamed and shamed 24/7 from the time we learn how to talk until the day we die.