
Show me any evidence that these 72 hour waiting periods affect decision making or FUCK OFF FOREVER. Oh, you can't? Then shut up.

you know what? i have made and laughed at rape jokes. hard. but even when a joke causes me to laugh, i realize that i am part of the problem. i have a comedy background. i have done sketch, standup and mostly improv. i get using everything to get a good joke. but rape is so engrained and trivialized in our culture

You know what the difference is? Everybody agrees that child molesters and murderers* are horrible. Considering the appalling way rape victims are treated and the way rapists are protected in this country, through lack of legal action and public opinion both, I'd say we are all far from on the same page about the

First Amendment only applies to state action. Creating a sexually hostile work environment is against the law.

I think the issue isn't really about whether you can or cannot make rape jokes. No matter what you're joking about, if someone in your workplace is offended, you should stop. And no one should be fired for saying "hey, this one thing really bothers me."

I mean, the real issue here is that this is her place of employment. There ARE limits as to what's appropriate to joke about in a professional environment.

Oh, man, don't you love it when you can shoot the shit and joke with your coworkers? I used to have a group of coworkers who sat around with me all day making jokes about genitalia and sex and vibrators that play Christmas music. Those were the days! Now most of my coworkers are religious and I have to watch what I

Even as a nickname for 'generically spooky place', the fact that they didn't GET why a woman would feel uncomfortable around something called a Rape Room— or offer to explain it, or change the nickname— that speaks volumes.

To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.

"she wouldn't work" = she can't take a rape joke.

God, it's like men can't even joke about brutally terrorizing people anymore! Why you gotta ruin all their fun? Get a sense of humor ladies, gosh.

I was once out with a friend with a peanut allergy. We both ordered the same salad (which came with almonds but no listed peanuts). They came out, I took a bite of mine, and immediately tasted a peanut.

Not one animal trainer would tell you to ignore a barking dog. You should not be allowed to own animals. And quit comparing men to dogs, it's fucking insulting.

Did you even watch the Jessica Williams video? A walk to work is not the red carpet. We're walking to work. We are thinking about things. Honestly, we have brains and we're using them. Stopping us, calling at us, clapping, whatever, you're interfering with our lives. We have lives, you know, full lives.

but, and I don't mean to sound awful, but why do you think you need to be this sunshine messenger of good cheer for women? I promise, being left alone is the greatest gift ever. Because if a woman is conventionally attractive, she has probably already had a few unwanted comments already. just let her be.

If you get the difference between a child complimenting his mom and an adult complimenting a stranger then why with the "Damn, seriously?" People are telling you those compliments make them uncomfortable. Even if your reasons for wanting to let people know you like their hair/clothes/shoes are meant to be pure (and

something you may not know but Jessica Williams pointed out...a woman smiling back or saying thank you does not always mean you succeeded in your unsolicited compliment, but rather it's away to diffuse the situation by giving a man what he wants which is your interaction with him. because as you have mentioned as as

I dont know which men are nice and which are not and I err on the side of my safety rather than your ego. If I know you, sure, I'll say thank you. If I don't know you, I won't. Yes, sorry that dozens of terrifying interactions springing from seemingly harmless comments have made me "uptight" (read: afraid for my

Introducing yourself, giving your name, is a really great way to start a conversation, humanizes you, de-escalates any threat (because you've identified yourself to me) and is also good manners. If you don't have time for more than that, kindly keep your commentary to yourself.

You're consistently getting shut down in this thread at this point, but keep mansplaining! The fact that you think anyone is owed a response for making an unsolicited comment to a stranger says a lot about you. But I'm the bitch, right? Oh, sorry, "ray of sunshine." Fuck off.