
You're aunt sounds fucking awesome. :)

Yeah, that's great. That is such an awkward part of dating. Most of the guys I dated before my current SO wanted kids some day, so you go into the relationship knowing that it's going to end. I met the man I'm with now online. I put in my profile that I was only interested in dudes who were sure they never wanted

Thanks very much! I considered Essure, too. I'd read that people who were having complications with it were people with metal sensitivities, which I do have, but my doctor told me that was kind of bunk. Still, we decided in favor of tube tying. I'm actually having the tubes removed altogether because, along with

Thanks! It's comforting to hear so many people say it was a breeze.

Yeah, I woke up crying from a couple other small outpatient surgeries, so I'm prepared for that one.


I'm getting a tubal ligation the week after next. I'm 34 and have never wanted children. I was pleasantly surprised that my gyno agreed to do procedure without giving me any guff, as I know that many doctors are reluctant to perform it on someone without children. I absolutely know it's the right decision for me

Ugh, some d-bag was playing Mike Savage in the next cubicle over today so I got to spend an hour contemplating stabbing my eardrums out. Of course, it's all Obama's fault for opening our borders up to anyone who wants to waltz in and we are now becoming the third world country he's been planning all along. barf.

That scene was amazing! Except for the snot, though.

Yeah, I think Dumbledore was a great choice. I think if he had continued as this perfect, wise god-like being, labeling him as homosexual would have felt like tokenism. But giving him that heart-breaking backstory, having him be wrong about Draco finding a way to let Deatheaters into Hogwarts, and his vulnerability

Yeah, it's hard to hear someone supporting a refusal to give a nation independence and not think that it's terrible. The fact that someone who is pretty beloved and widely considered intelligent, kind and generous is voting no makes me more likely to stop and think about her reasoning. I am very uninformed about it

It's in Goblet of Fire after Hagrid is outed as a half-giant. Harry, Hermione and Dumbledore are in his cabin trying to comfort him along the lines of "Look what I have for family!" and Dumbledore says his brother was arrested for "practicing inappropriate charms on a goat" and then jokes that he doesn't think

I will say this, though: four years of waiting tables and I never heard of another server treating an allergy with anything but the utmost caution.

Same here. I LOVE everything about this woman....except for her music. I really wish that I did like it, but I don't.

Many years ago while I was in college, I worked as a medical records clerk and I had this co-worker. We'll call him Stu. Stu had a skullet, three, maybe four teeth in total, and wore stretchy striped polo shirts that clung to his large belly and love handles as if it were soaking wet. Every. Single. Day.

I could have sworn that in that documentary, they said that everyone had agreed on the plea bargain and Polanski asked for a delay in serving his time because he had to attend to some business in Europe. Then some papers published picture of him partying and THAT'S when the judge decided to take away the plea deal.

Yeah, I don't understand all the vitriol being thrown at the owners, even by people condemning the mother. If you're a small business in a small space, it's just not feasible to get the permits and pay for construction that might be needed to expand the bathrooms. I feel like this attitude that they're jerks would

It's only the mother who says no other patrons saw. The restaurant says people complained, including a friend of the owner's who texted them from the dining area while it was happening. Some of the comments from locals I've seen on articles about this say that it is a very small restaurant, so it's pretty unlikely

Yeah, I grew up in a rural south/midwest town and not-wealthy. After moving away for grad school I dated a guy who's family was from a swanky suburb of Baltimore and totally pretentious. I found some of their comments pretty distasteful but ultimately I pitied them a bit. They spend their lives missing out on some

I had a few dates like that. Nice guys and we had a pleasant enough evening but it was clear five minutes in that one or both of us wasn't drawn to the other in that way. It's kind of par for the course with online dating and I really don't think most people go on that first date feeling they'll be owed