
cleanup (which is basically a non-factor for sex, especially with a condom)

Cameras on every police car and officer's body. Also, just like killing a police officer is a more serious crime than killing a regular person, violations by police officers should be dealt with more harshly than violations by regular people. You chose to uphold norms, you pay more when you break them, because when

I've already defriended three people in the last week over this horse shit. They keep posting about how cops have hard/dangerous jobs as if that gives them the right to execute people in the street and abuse protestors.

Look. If you're an American who doesn't think the police treating peaceful protests in Ferguson with the level of invading a hostile enemy city is over reacting, I just don't know what to say to you. Obviously, you're an idiot.

I love baggy clothes. Tight clothes in the summer is a nightmare. A body's gotta breathe. Go baggy...that's my opinion, anyway.

The most important takeaway from this story is #notallmen, clearly.

Personally, reading the hilarious and cutthroat replies a misogynist gets is one of my favorite parts of Jezebel. If I need a good laugh, I just need to go to any article that's even mildly controversial. We have some seriously funny commentators in here and I love that so much~

But Mark, how can you deny the solid "bitches be crazy and men's money is more important than all the things!" reasoning of the OP?

Sometimes it's hard to see how we can bring the anti-choicers around. What will move those people who sincerely believe that abortion is murder to support it? I don't know. If I try to think of something I am vehemently, morally opposed to (capital punishment) and then imagine an argument that someone could make to

This makes perfect sense because statistically men are far more likely than women to take on primary carer roles in the home and so their requests for flexible working hours are more likely to be genuine while women are probably just going to use the time day-drinking and filling themselves up with tampons.

I'm glad he made the point about being treated like a human being. That needs to be in every discussion about Ferguson, Mike Brown, and all the other cases of unarmed black Americans killed by police.
People were slavering for an excuse to blame Mike Brown for his own death. He fought for the gun! He stole cigars! He,

Not only are we not treated like human beings, black people aren't even treated as well as pets are by their fellow Americans.

What the eyewitnesses have all said is that Mike Brown ran from Darren Wilson, and was shot at from behind, at which point he turned around, and got on the ground with his hands up, and Wilson continued to shoot. The autopsy is perfectly in line with the eyewitness accounts.
"He was shot in the back" is something

you would think that wouldn't you? but i think the mindset of these officers is to be OBEYED, no matter what, and they just seem to be so angry and outraged that they are not being obeyed and their actions are being questioned. i also think that some of them have a racism so deeply ingrained that they cannot

Jesus. You have stared into the face of evil.

You just proved my point, you don't give a fuck about children once they're born. You and your ilk are disgusting hypocrites with blood on your hands. 37% of pregnancies are unintended per the Guttmacher Institute's most recent data. The fundamentalists on the Right have been actively limiting women's access to

Should lawmakers have the right to force you to donate blood, bone marrow, lung or kidney if it can be used to save the life of another human being?

Joe, shut your ignorant piehole and take your ignorant garbage elsewhere.

Safe, legal pregnancy termination is THE solution for unwanted pregnancy.

Of course they're protesting women's health. Because there is a "massive fucking difference" between safe, LEGAL pregnancy termination, and "infanticide". The latter requires an infant - which must be BORN. The former is a LEGAL minor outpatient procedure with an extraordinarily high safety profile. Hope this