
I thought it, too. And how convenient! Now guys like EspressoPro have a "women's perspective" that agrees with theirs!

Eggshelljones only stated one topic you should keep to yourself when approaching a woman you don't know (hint: her physical appearance). You interpreted that as "don't talk to women." What do you think that says about you?

Yes, there is a difference. The second one makes me scared I'm going to be followed home/assaulted and the first one just makes me feel like I want to permanently place a paper bag over my head so I can get on with my day without dudes treating me like I'm decoration.

I don't know what you want then, except for me to agree that it is all hopelessly unfair to you.

If every other time someone said the word "popcorn" you got hit in the knee with a bat but the other times you got a piece of chocolate, you would start feeling very stressed when the word was said and maybe even start avoiding movie theatres. But I guess you should just learn to enjoy the chocolate.

Thank you for your valuable male insight. The world needs more men who are willing to speak out like this about women's experiences and tell us exactly how to feel and behave. Without men like you we would be lost, adrift in a sea of choice and freedom.

It's like you're being deliberately obtuse. There are contexts in which it's appropriate to ask a woman out or flirt with her or compliment her in some way—for example, if you're at a singles event or a club where it's clear that the people there are looking to meet someone. But approaching a complete stranger on

No. I dislike being interrupted. I especially dislike being interrupted for trivial reasons. Therefore I am annoyed, sometimes offended, at these interruptions.

Egnar: " what do you do?"

Here's another thing that all of the Nice Guys flooding the comments should consider: even if you would never [very common behavior from catcaller after catcalling], the fact that you think it's okay to walk up to a strange woman on the street and tell her what you think of her appearance normalizes all of the guys

Please tell us more of your male opinions on this topic that is specific to women.

Except you've sidestepped the entire point of the article, and my previous comment. It is an unsettling category of interactions because it is unpredictable. The fact that this encounter didn't end with her being followed around the store or called a cunt doesn't change the fact that it very well could have, and for

I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say in your last paragraph. You get that victimization of women is a problem, but we shouldn't get too caught up in that? It sounds like you're saying assault and abuse of women is a real issue, but let's not worry about that too much, or else men won't be able to hit

I can certainly separate my money from the artist.

Well, since he pled guilty to the charges, it wouldn't be so much answering to them as getting his fucking ass thrown in prison. It's why the asshole fled to Europe in the first place.

Unlike many other commenters, I can separate the art from the artist

He hasn't even expressed regret. He's had decades of wealth, creative freedom, and tons of morally corrupt friends, so why you're bemoaning his sad fate is beyond me.

I certainly hope not. Criminals shouldn't earn get out of jail free passes by evading prosecution .

Unlike many other commenters, I can separate the art from the artist

Go to court, plead his case, and submit to whatever justice decides.