
They were roommates at Julliard. I love this picture - they were so young and jazzed that they were both so successful.

"I was hanging upside down, and I looked and saw a blue scrub hat and yellow gown and heard this Russian accent. There was Robin Williams being some insane Russian doctor. I laughed, and I knew I was going to be all right."

I have a lot of upper-middle class white relatives in St. Louis and their reaction to this has appalled me beyond belief. They are incredibly active in their community- model citizens who are so active in the diocese and the pro-life campaign- I don't know why that makes their response to this so shocking to me, if

Is it good?

yes, but is it like sprite?

Thank you. It makes a big difference that you are acknowledging the problem. I know you are going to get some very difficult meetings and calls from the higher ups, but tell them from me (loyal reader) that you absolutely did the right thing. I would have left soon but I'll stick with you a few months if you can

Madeleine, your apology is so not necessary. I feel for all of you so much.

For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown

Oh, so the restaurant provoked the behaviour?

You know things like changing tables, high chairs, booster seats, nursing rooms, colouring books and crayons at the table are all luxuries, not a right, right? Where I live, there are rarely such amenities in restaurants, yet we manage to take our children out to eat regularly and we all survive. We even have a nice

I had a job where they didn't have a changing table at all. They also didn't have a handicapped restroom (Bathrooms were on the 2nd floor, although there was a stall that was larger and one downstairs we could open up if need be, although the kitchen guys mainly used it). HOWEVER, this was in a tourist destination

Mom to an eight week old here: No, I don't expect every mom and pop place to have them, although it's great when they do. The thing is changing tables are a great convenience, but they aren't ESSENTIAL to change your baby. For decades people went out in public with kids when changing tables were relatively rare items.

it's your job to accommodate your personal needs.

They are not necessarily assholes. Small businesses have spatial and financial constraints that can make these things difficult.

Okay 4 kids and no other adults? Like is she going to leave little babies to go to a restroom to change an infant even if there is some type of changing station? Either get it together or leave the kids at home.

I have had this happen at more than one restaurant I've worked at. Grown up restaurants without children's menus. One of these restaurants, however, had changing tables in the restroom. The entitled parents (both were present in at least one situation I remember) decided changing their baby's diaper at the table was a

No, the restaurant doesn't have to do shit. Guess what? The customer isn't always right. I think they are fine with losing business from people that want to change shitty diapers on their tables.

She complains that she didn't have a private place, but then acknowledges she "didn't want" to go back to the minivan. LADY YOU GET THAT BABY AND THAT POO BACK TO THE MINIVAN OR YOU DON'T GO OUT IN PUBLIC.

I mean, I understand that it's really nice to have changing tables and I feel bad for the woman - but do parents expect small restaurants to really have changing tables? I think of that as a feature in big chains or fast food joints, not mom and pop restaurants or pizza places. I'm not a parent, so I really don't know.

She didn't want to take everyone back to the minivan to do the diaper change. Miranda said her next decision was a last resort.