
Yep, fine line to tread. I want someone educated and ambitious, but not if they're going to be an ass about it. I agree that it can be hard to relate with that many years between us, but I hope it doesn't drive a wedge.

I have done it, but it's difficult. I grew up lower-class (trailer and all), and I primarily dated men who were at least middle class. It was easier growing up because the area I grew up in was pretty blue collar in general, and trailers weren't that uncommon. I had a harder time relating to men in my own social class

Fortunately, they're not bros, just snooty European expats. I've only visited him a few times, so I was afraid of confronting them because I'm still in the 'please like me!' phase. It gets really tough biting my tongue sometimes. But your story gives me hope!

I have a chronic illness as well and my husband really struggles with it. He basically doesn't want to talk about it ever. All I want is some compassion once in awhile. Most of the time I am fine but sometimes I have flares and have to really cut back on activity for a week. We are in couples therapy and that's one of

Yeah, I totally get that. He can't even really enjoy his own success because he's constantly comparing himself to his wealthier peers, so his definition of a modest background is completely different from mine. Yep, being LDR is hard enough to be fighting these battles too!

Thanks! onward and upward right? When I set it down on paper it seems much more clear than it feels, so thanks for listening and supporting.

It does, thanks! Yes, he recognizes their rudeness, and I told him that he needs to be more supportive of me in social situations. He's such a great guy when we're alone that I would hate for his friends to turn him into a fuckwad! Lol fingers crossed!

After we had a talk, he understood that what he thinks is poking fun is actually really hurtful to me. Hopefully it was a wake-up call that he and his friends can't put people down like that.

If you don't feel the zip or the spark or whatever it's totally fine. Don't come right out and say you aren't attracted to her that way, it's not necessary. Instead just say thank you for meeting up with you and leave it at that. If she says anything about meeting again and you honestly would like to hang out as

Hugs for you.

I think that it's actually pretty common to find that even someone you have phone chemistry with doesn't work in real life. most people, if you call it off after the first in-person date, will be cool about it. I met my wife on yahoo personals ten years ago, and my experience back then was that if you think you might

A hug goodnight, and then let her know next day via message that you enjoyed the evening but think you would be better off as friends, or you're not ready, or whatever.

Oh my god.

I really just want to say ugh. The man and I got into a fight today, and while I know I'm better off without him, it still hurts. I have a chronic illness and apparently that's too much for him to deal with. I understand if he can't handle it, but I don't understand why it has to end on such an ugly note. I feel

even with the Meds, there are days where the inspriation simply eludes me .

Hey! How about a bit of Netflix and going to bed early? Just accepting that I'm not going to get much done and not beating up myself too much about it works to take the pressure off a bit.

They want to make Brown the villain.

I'd like to apologize to you for the fact that somehow we got to the point where you have to say you're married, have a child, and that you like penises. Its really messed up that your tag line has essentially had to become Jessica Valenti: Yes, she likes dick. I personally have no clue how to fix society and get the

I don't think I care. But considering you are literally making a fucking feminist argument, it makes me laugh that you call yourself anti-feminist.

I was once behind a woman in the check out line who was buying a small pack of tampons, but came up short once it was rung up. I made up the difference for her. I felt so bad about it. It's not like she was buying a Pepsi. She needed them, and her embarrassment was obvious. I've also given a tampon to a homeless