

The cake is a lie.

*Races to bookstore, squealing with joy*

A separate fund has already handled that... but enjoy your... errr.... "sunny" disposition

"I'm a Dom. As a man should be."

Oh, let me! "Femnazi" = every woman who is smarter than he is, better informed than he is, and every woman who won't sleep with him, which is all of them.

LOL yeah, you're such a dom, you have to desperately beg for attention from women on the internet. What I did get from your posts is that you're 13 years old, have an extensive fantasy life but no actual friends, and a deep desire to be seen as manly, despite being a hilariously incompetent, ineffectual troll.

"Only then did I realize just how fucked up my first relationship was" does not compute with this comment. Did you prefer being with a manbaby that you've compared to a dog?

Did you know that long term couples who aren't married can still live together? Without being married?
I'm not sure what you're getting at but you sound confused.

My parents fought when I was a kid, pretty much non-stop. I have such an aversion to raised voices and threatened violence as an adult that I'm only capable of calmly resolving disagreements. Thanks, mom and dad! At least one good thing came out of the shit parade that was raising me in front of their marriage.

We have never yelled at each other. I don't even know what would happen if we did.

Me, too. I think it's important to stop and think whether I'm actually upset or hungry because usually I'm just hungry.

Hunger really is the source of most of my anger.

Yeah I don't think that's unusual among healthy people with good boundaries who actually think about the person they are in a relationship with.

THIS! ALL OF THIS! I'm fucking sick of it too. It doesn't mean we're not passionate, it just means we don't have to fight to resolve things.

Some people really pick their battles and let most things go. My parents have been married over three decades and never fight. My boyfriend and I rarely have arguments about anything. I really despise the whole "healthy couples regularly get into fights" trope.

Er, what? Communication and disagreements can be settled without ever arguing.

I've been with my boyfriend for 11 years (SHUT UP MOM, I KNOW WE SHOULD BE MARRIED BY NOW), and we've never had what I would call a fight. Arguments, yes. But no fights. No raised voices, no yelling, no drama.