
This is my latest adaptation. Funny story, I used to keep some recipes taped to my kitchen wall before I started to keep a real recipe book. I had it labeled it as "Depression Cake," since the recipe was from that period, until someone at a party asked me "Oh, is that what you eat when you're depressed?" GREAT

You know what would be a great source of protein? That passive-aggressive friend.

Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.

I am an obstetrician in a community health center treating these women. And I pay taxes, donate to charity, and vote for people who prefer funding insurance and health care for these women instead of sending them to jail.

The line between the mother's rights and the baby's rights has to be drawn somewhere, and birth is a convenient time at which to do it. As long as the child is in utero, a woman is not "abusing a child".

And therein lies the problem. If the mothers can't get help without being thrown in jail (while pregnant), then they're not going to be able to help the babies.

Totally. Just the other day I was freaking out because I noticed the thumb of my left hand is on the right side palm down, but on the left side palm up! Thankfully Yahoo Answers informed me that I have diphtheria and now I have an appointment with a chiropractor. I'm so glad the Yahoo community stepped up before

ugh. Not only does Jenny McCarthy suck for this (whereas someone like Barbara Walters handles difficult material very well, back in her pre-The View days), this feels uncomfortable with such a big group. She's this young teenager surrounded by multiple adults asking her things concerning traumatic material, in

You accept those expenses when you accept responsibility for your dog. That's part of good pet ownership.

Or don't have a fucking dog if you can't manage the basics of having a dog

Take a cab? Ask a friend for a ride? Find a closer vet? There are plenty of options that don't involve a fraudulent service vest for your convenience.

The issue here is power dynamics. The judge specifically is applying his views on one to his views on the other. Even if I granted you that incest could actually be consensual (and I might debate on that), the issue is that due to the previous sexual abuse by the defendant, it's hard to imagine any future sexual

Never going to go to contacts. Glasses until the day I die.

It happens in gang culture all the time...rape a gang members relative to punish him or to force him to submit to the will of the gang. I don't know where in the US you live but if you think this type of thing doesn't happen then you need to get out more.

"She tried to blame it on a block of feta she had sitting out on her bed."

Is anyone else pretty sure that they were a terrible roommate? I was the WORST. I would snooze through my alarm for literally 90 minutes ever morning. I barely ever did the dishes. I left my shit everywhere. I WAS THE WORST, I'M SORRY PREVIOUS ROMMATES.

I get three copies of the Sunday paper and clip all the Revlon, Maybelline, L'Oreal, Almay and Rimmel coupons. Then I scan the drugstore ads for sales and/or in-store coupons. You can "stack" a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon. I also look for clearance tags while I shop. CVS doesn't advertise cosmetic