
Whhhhaaat?!?!? How and where do you get coupons for that? I do try to use the coupons I get at CVS or the CVS bucks or whatever it is at times, but that is crazy!

Totally agree. I think a new exciting sport should be to let loose unarmed hunters in a large cage and let victims of domestic abuse take shots at them.

The worst is guys who brag on youtube about shooting starlings with a rifle and a scope. I get that they're a pest in parts of the US but a) why take pleasure in killing them and b) oh you killed a harmless little bird, you big manly hunting man, you. I'm in awe of your masculinity, oh dominant one.

Yes, because these white bitches lately REALLY exemplify "tribal societies in less developed areas." Same-o, same-o.

Hunting for play isn't okay.

That'll be my epitaph, right there.

if you hunt, you're a cunt.

Can someone tweet this comment at Megyn Kelly and Ann Coulter and the like? Just because.

Is that not exactly what you said in your post before? Don't blame me for misinterpreting a poorly presented argument.

Women like Megyn Kelly, who spout insane regressive drivel that only serves to harm their own gender in return for a paycheck, make you realize why Dante dedicated the lowest circle of Hell to the traitorous.

You make no sense. If women spend 200 million on already existing male oriented games no developer will conclude that there is clearly a need for more female oriented games. They'll assume that wome are perfectly happy with the existing choices. Plus: If women buy those games in a store and pay cash they won't even

DuoLingo is pretty good. I've been using it to teach myself Spanish and it's been fun and educational.

these eyelashes are absurd.


Don't forget the scene where she plays cards with her family! I got choked up!

I thought this too, but someone on twitter explained to me that the nomination cycle is from June to June, so since OITNB premiered in July, they actually got nominated for season ONE this time around. So basically, their season premiered at the beginning of the cycle, and not the end like I thought. I asked because I

OITNB couldn't be nominated in 2013. These noms are all for season 1 OITNB.

Oh, thank God I've got a gym membership! I only keep it so that Tom Junod will do me the great honor of being willing to put his penis inside me, despite my being the advanced, nay, decrepit age of fifteen years younger than him.

pretty good, especially since I'm just being tongue in cheek and most people enjoy my sense of humor. oh yeah and my comment about Jada being great and the world being bad has over 300 'recommends' so far — not that people liking my comments is a huge gauge of self-worth, just that some people seem to get that I'm

1. Yes, it makes her very, very brave. Which is wonderful.