
In 20 years, this girl is going to have the most EPIC throwback thursday picture.

HEY good idea, how about "Ma'am, it's going to be okay. Just try to breathe and calm down. I need you to try and give me all the information so I can help you. "

not "quit crying" and those are shitty answers so now you are fucked.

Its pretty funny that the state ends up using taxpayer dollars and valuable resources to jail someone over their inability to pay fines. The system is pretty damn flawed because you have a person who is too impoverished to pay the fines, and then you have a state draining taxpayer dollars on silly shit like jailing

DEFINITELY a Sherlock thing. That's when I converted.

Yeah, I like how so many people think that she just blew off sending her kids to school. I've never had a job that did not require me to leave the house before my kids left for school. If you're a single parent with no money, your options are kind of limited.

Time for me to move to the UK, I guess!

While I enjoy him in everything, there are loads of people who only find him attractive as Sherlock. It's not just you.

oh really? Apparently I need to make my way to the UK...

In my high school, there was a big problem with kids (especially those who spoke English but whose parents did not) dropping out of high school or skipping class to work full-time. But my school district did the sensible thing, and instead of instituting truancy fines to punish parents who are already deeply

You're a better person than me, because my first thought was, "Oh great I can't wait for all the hipsters to 'discover' Hank Williams through a G-D big-budget biopic and add him to their standard hipster disclaimer while they're trying to sell you on EDM: I like all music, except country, unless it's [Johnny Cash,

Middle class white people like to assume every impoverished person is on welfare and hooked on crack. Who'd a thunk!

How about something that addresses the underlying causes of truancy? Take the money the city spends on court time, processing and jailing poor parents and use it on a program that actually incents attendance (school/job program for kids who have to work to help support the family, for example)?

I agree. The world seems to be full of these people, who haven't got enough compassion and understanding to fill a thimble. However, I guarantee that, if you put him in the same position, he'd be freaking out. It won't be something that means anything to him until it happens to him. Some people are like that.

Yeah, why masturbate over Tom Hiddleston, or any celebrity for that matter, when you can masturbate to the idea that you're the Internet Arbiter of All Things Interesting?

I'm not really surprised, you come off as the type of person who has no damn clue what the phrase "you can't squeeze blood from a stone" means.

Yes, jail is intrinsically dehumanizing, and it's one of the ways that we use to de-value a person in our society. Regardless of whether you look down on people who have been to jail, I can assure you that many in the U.S. do look down on anyone who has spent even so much as a night in the clink. How do I know?

My work will not be complete until every person in the world has seen that gif. Only 6,999,999,999 to go!

It would be great if we would *fund* our schools and pay teachers a living wage.

Allow me to help with that.

I didn't get it at first either, but then watched several interviews he did, started following him on Twitter, and saw some fan videos of him hugging little kids who were Avengers fans and then was all like WHOOPS THERE GO MY PANTS.