
But only the ones that I think are hot.

Additionally, prejudices actually do change overnight when people are exposed – in a positive way, such as awesome gay boy scouts leaders – to the groups they've been discriminating against. I've seen this actually happen when my grandpa who has always railed against all Mexicans as illegal immigrants who were lazy

Ok, good point. You have me there.

But I just don't think the culture of guns and their defenders is the whole story, and I don't think the cultural problems are necessarily undefined. The problems are many, and while they may exist everywhere, America seems to have a monopoly on being the worst. For example, America

EXACTLY. I'm not anti-gun. I've gone shooting, I'm a good shot. But I think people should have to take a class, learn how to properly load their gun, a little gun safety, and so on. There should be no gun show loopholes and you should have to track the transfer of your gun. Everybody who buys a gun should have to

The problem with that is that the 2nd Amendment was never about personal weapons. It is, as it explicitly says, about a militia. It's about the National Guard. Which is borne out by both the discussion surrounding it and the actions taken by its authors after its establishment. It is NOT about personal weapons. I hate

Some people's dead kids are a small price to pay for other people's rights to play with their toys. It's what it comes down to. "Oh, your kid died? I guess I'm sorry, but my gun is an excellent penis enlarger, and I'll keep it."

Wow! So much Wendy Williams hate here.

Please keep talking to us. We are idiots and some are even bigger idiots with mean hearts. Some of us want to be less of an idiot but all of the googling in the world can't help if you don't know what you're searching for. This has been a really important conversation to read as someone who has only become self aware

I was totally ignorant of the word's history and racial usage and Googled it as you recommended. Its definitely a word to reconsider.

You're still focusing on intent instead of on impact.

White people tell Black folks ALL the time: "TELL ME when I'm being racist!"

I'm telling you, and you're all in here refuting.

JackfreakinBauer is calling me a 'moron'.

Y'all don't LISTEN, which is why we don't bother talking to you!

No, she's just patient enough to play through the game on hard difficulty and never flinch or turn away. She's an integrator.

Please don't be offended by the following: Your parents did a mean, selfish thing. It was short sighted and wrong headed. I loathe the concept boot strapping. It's just another way of being unforgivably cheap.

I paid out of pocket for my first two years of school. My parents make too much money for me to have been eligible for any type of aid, but when I asked my parents for help they laughed in my face and told me once I was 18 I was an adult and not their problem anymore.

This is great, but doesn't help with all the private loan debt with companies that won't work with borrowers, and have high interest rates. Federal loans aren't as much as a problem as the private ones.

"Give me a penis and Wikipedia and I will move the earth." - Archimedes

A penis is worth like three doctorates. A vagina is the equivalent to a woman's studies course and maybe half a bachelors if its birthed a male child.

because menstruation attracts bears!! you cant have bears around while you practice for Wimbledon. duh!!!

The systemic abuse you describe tends to be committed by people who have power against people with less power. Most cultures have been and still are socially male dominated, so the pattern reflects the dynamics of that power structure.