
"See? We pay her less for a reason."

10 Fabulous Vacation Destinations That Won't Make You Wait

7 Signs He's Just Not That Into Your Reproductive Health

5 Hot Abortion Tricks That Will Stimulate His Legislation

WOW, the comments in this thread actually made me feel bad about myself...

While I personally think masturbation is freakin' awesome, I think we need to be careful not to shame here. There are people who are a ) not very sexual (or completely asexual, for that matter) or b) do not find it enjoyable for whatever reason. If a woman (or man—whatevs) says that they don't masturbate, it doesn't

I'd like to think the numbers for women is totally inaccurate, but I've had women look at me like I'm crazy when I say I do it almost every day (sometimes more than once!) — legitimate, open-mouthed shock.

I have a few friends who are disturbed by the idea of touching themselves. It's sad, really.

What you're failing to recognize is that one instance of a dude calling you a honky doesn't have the weight of a powerful oppressive system backing it up the way a white person calling someone the n-word does. The worst it can do it hurt your fee-fees.

Except that it legitimately is different and reclaiming the word for use by the oppressed is just never the same as the oppressor using the word. And lots of black people do not say it either. White people can't say it. Full stop. The end. Get over it. No big loss.

Black people don't use nigger to oppress each other daily. White supremacy on the other hand loves to use everything under the sun to oppress people of color (e.g. slurs, discourses and power structures such as white supremacy, also discriminatory laws, the prison industrial complex, unequal access to education and

Cracker, on the other hand.... *sips tea*

Women are the one who have to shave their heads and wear wigs once they're married! (Irrelevant anecdote: once I told a 12-year-old conservative Jewish boy about how my cousin did that, and he said, "If I were your cousin and I had to shave my head, I wouldn't wear a wig. I would go around telling everyone I had

All of this skin showing is DRIVING. ME. CRAZY. See what you've done, Wasatch High School?! NOW I'M SEX CRAZED, ALL THANKS TO SKIN.

Yeah, I can understand a 14 year old knowing that the word is bad, but not really understanding how hurtful it can be, and mistaking using it for edge, because 14 year olds are dumb and lack perspective. But you hope that 14 year olds have enough adult supervision to shut that shit down immediately. This makes me

I feel like people are not asking the most important question....WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE KEEP THEIR SHOES THAT MAKES THEM SO EASILY ACCESSIBLE TO A FOX!?!?

I'm thinking Usher and Scooter Braun knew about this all along and had a vested interest in keeping it buried. I'm also thinking that they see the writing on the wall — that Bieber is now an unprofitable dud — and no longer care that this stuff leaks.

Now playing

But we all know that this is actually what the fox says