
Take heart! My parents weren't as bad as her, but they did teach me the "two kinds" thing from the title. I grew up hearing that (a lot- and even repeating it as a kid! :::cringe:::), but I know better now and I will not teach that to my children. Nor do I let my parents repeat shit like that around my kids.

I wish I could say I'm shocked. The "blacks vs n****rs" thing is basically verbatim a lecture I once got from my father in law when I had the temerity to ask him if he could maybe stop using racial slurs at the dinner table when I am visiting. "It's not like I'm a bigot!" he exclaimed, as he went on to tell me all

Everyone has a story about eating pot brownies at a party and then not being able to get up off the couch for hours because you kept eating them after the first 3 or 4 you ate had no affect.

I live in Colorado and irresponsible people like this are really starting to piss me off. The edibles you can get at stores here are much better than any I've been able to make and are a giggly good time for responsible users, but because of incidents like these I fear they won't be sold for much longer. On the

I think a huge part of it is that people think we live in a post-racial society and that they themselves are self-evidently not racist. ("Of course I can't be racist, I have black friends.") So they think, when they tell racist jokes, they're being cute and edgy instead of racist and racist.

I think knowing is half the battle. So, I am sure you'll be just fine. As a fairly new parent I have to constantly remind myself not to saddle my son with my baggage and hangups.

My mom is the same, but without even a hint of self-awareness. Her mother is a Holocaust survivor whose mom abandoned her at 18 months old (after her dad had been shipped to a camp) to be passed around the distant-relative circuit. I hope that when I have kids, I'll be more like your mom than mine. So far, four years

ulook, that was some beautiful junk you just showed.

It was my mom. And the answer is yes and no. My mom is a needy mom. She wants her children close and she is not above using emotional manipulation to achieve this end. Fortunately, she knows this about herself, so she's constantly self-correcting. Overall, she's a great mom because she is accutely aware of how shitty

I know. When I was bugged about running every time my baby cried, I asked if they would have let any adult "cry it out" because they are "supposed to be sleeping through the night already"? If my husband were crying in the night for anything, I'd respond to him, and he's an adult perfectly capable of taking care of

this breaks my heart. i just had a baby and when she cries (i know it's the hormones) there's just so much NEED there, to be picked up, loved, reassured, so much pain and so little capacity to deal with aloneness, even for short times. it's horrifying to think of so many babies and children crying like that, with no

My grandmother was quite a hoarder. Even now, she is in her eighties with advance dementia, she still hoards. When we visit her we have to throw out piles of tissue, expired milk and those single-serving cereal boxes. That orphan state of mind is even more pronounced now. It's almost like she's reverting back to that

How am I not surprised that the British use the term "cupboard love" to describe the affectionate ways children act towards those who can feed them. That was an unsettling concept to come across in a child psychology book.

I am going to STRAIGHT TO HELL for laughing.

My (Irish-German Catholic) mom wasn't raised in an orphanage, but that really succinctly describes her parenting style.

It reminded me of my grandfather. He was born in 1921 and he said when he was a kid, during the Great Depression, the kids whose families were better off would sometimes get an apple in their sack lunch for school as a dessert. The lucky kid would eat the apple in front of a bunch of other, less fortunate kids, then

My grandmother was also raised in an orphanage. She too had a need for love and acceptance that could not be filled.

"Back in the good Christian 1950s where everything was moral and happy and Obama hasn't happened yet."

Find new friends.