
As a married heterosexual person I'd like to say, Fuck You, Bigot.

I agree. I think that even people who are progressive, who believe in equality (racial, economic, gender ,orientation, etc.), may still carry the oppressive language they grew up with, that they were instilled with, and it comes out in times when we're desperate to verbally hurt someone we believe is hurting or

I think that Richard Martinez shows a Mahatma-sized soul to even be willing to meet with Peter Rodger. Imagine the emotional maturity of being able to sit down and talk with the father of the man who ended your child's life? For me, it would be very difficult to separate wonderment of how far the apple had fallen

all day, erryday. god he's fit. i have dated men of all shapes, sizes, heights, weights and races. i'm like the UN of d. but just once - just once - i would like to know what its like to be with someone who has abs like that. i would probably black out and not be able to enjoy it.

Actually, this is analagous to black people discussing the violence they deal with at the hands of white people, and white people (in this case: YOU) going on about how reverse-racist they're being.

"Not all men," vmavo muttered, satisfied that his contribution to the internet would be recorded for future generations to admire. Putting on his fedora, he combed his neckbeard and walked out into the world.

I personally think this is just an issue of a lead woman can't be somewhat less that incredibly gorgeous. It seems as if they are earning a super attractive women when really the story is they are just making their way in a relationship with an ordinary woman but Hollywood expects every woman no matter who they are

I think you hit the nail on the head, here. While the critic who wrote the article may have had some debatable points, Rogan and Apatow refused to debate them AT ALL. They chose to be pissy and defensive instead of contributing to a national conversation about gender roles in the media. And that makes me regard them

Did you see the thinkprogress article:…? It makes some good points. I especially like the comparison of Christian Bale's response to the Aurora shooting (i.e., Christian was respectful and not knee-jerk-whiny. Rogen got out-classed by ol' Rant-on-the-Terminator-Set Bale.).

Rogen and Apatow have made themselves look like overgrown whiny teenagers with their reaction to the op ed.

I wish Jezebel had posted their own article about this. I'm sick of reading comments on Gawker that buy into the straw man that Seth Rogen set up.

I'm annoyed Rogan and Apatow are acting as if she had written an article that said "The Neighbors" caused the shooting. She didn't, at all. She asked rhetorically in the middle of the article how many men had unrealistic expectations of manhood as a result of similar movies, which seems like a really good question.

I am bummed out about their reaction, but I also think that the critic picked the wrong target in Seth Rogen at least. 1st, he's about 32, so he's hardly middle-aged. And 2nd, he isn't really a romantic lead-type of guy. He gets a girl who was drunk in Knocked Up, and then she has to stay involved with him only

It's not just you. Their whining reeks of "not all men!!!!"

No, I agree with you.

I'm not saying that I personally hold Seth Rogan or Judd Apatow responsible for that kid shooting up a bunch of bystanders in Santa Barbara or anything, but am I the only one who finds the whole reaction on their behalf kind of irritating? I think there were some (some!) valid claims about men feeling entitled to

It's weird that you're assuming he stood idly by, chilling, buffing his nails.

Remember if some of those bricks hit her husband too it's not misogyny!

These are so common that there'd be no point in recounting a story of them. Every server I know has had this happen at least once.

Could Sesame Street be any better than it is? I say no. It is already THE BEST ON EARTH!!!!!