
The number of Walter Mittys roaming around with more firepower and lust for heroism then sense is really terrifying.

AMEN. Slight derail, but restaurant conglomerates (fast food or sit down) cannot say crap like "paying employees a living wage will bankrupt us" while also reporting record profits/growth and paying their CEOs an absurd amount. Those things shouldn't co-exist. Pay your damn workers, businesses. Stop using them to cut

Ah. The old "don't know the difference between rube and ruse" mistake.

Ah. The old 'condescending dick' rube. Nice Touch

Yes, obviously. The cost of paying servers a living wage will get passed on to the consumer no matter what, the functional difference being that generous people won't be contributing twice as much to server incomes as stingy assholes.

Waitering is among the easiest casual labour to find. Sometimes people leave their jobs or move to new cities and need to pick up temporary work while looking for something better. Others might just not have any qualifications for better work or are in some middle of nowhere hole where there isn't any good work.


i would prefer restaurants run like other businesses, and employees' income be determined internally, not be the whims of a fickle public.

Yeah, I feel like more attention really needs to be paid to the fact that the central idea that some employers got to pay their employees less than minimum wage on the basis of the idea that their customers might choose to give them enough to cover the difference was among the dumbest things ever legislated.

In before the rush of picky asshole customers incensed by the restaurants taking away their God-given right to withhold payment for services rendered because the server was uppity enough to say "no problem sir" instead of their preferred "my pleasure, your honor."

Must admit I just visited the USA on holiday and I had a great time but I so hated the tipping culture. I started off thinking that everyone was very helpful and friendly and then I realised that they all wanted extra money and it all started to seem a bit false. Then I would go out for dinner and think the prices

So, is there a key for this map or do we just make it up based on how we feel about the shades of blue?

I am implying that. I don't have a problem with approaching a hot stranger and trying to get their number. But It's obvious she was doing a job, and to ask at that time, man or woman, is horrible/

It's also objectifying/dehumanizing. She's reduced to a thing that should be available for the fuckin', not a journalism professional with a job to do. It's despicable. I admire her self-restraint in not clocking him. But as a journalist myself, I have to wonder: What on god's green earth possessed that reporter to

Because that woman is obviously there to do a job and even if she was interested she wouldn't be in a position to accept the offer. I don't know how widely this belief is held, but the idea that a woman is always open to advances is one of the clearest signs of Patriarchy. She is doing a job and attempting to shift

Did you accidentally get linked here from the PUA subreddit or something?

I love his name- Cliven Bundy. No novelist could have invented a more perfect name ever for a bigoted right-wing rancher. It rolls off the tongue: Cliven Bundy, Cliven Bundy, Cliven Bundy. It has echoes of 'cloven,' as in hoof, and of twin 'Bundys' - Ted, the serial killer and Al, of Married With children, with

There's a small part of me that just wishes that these guys would be honest and say, "Yeah, we're big racists. We don't like anyone who isn't white, and frankly we're not such big fans of women either. And we've got lots of money, so we win". At least then it would show some level of self-awareness and honesty.

You tell 'em trout.

I will never, ever, ever, EVER do a customer-perspective one of these, ever, and your comment highlights why. I wrote this earlier:

There is a special place in hell for managers who comp the meals of total asshole customers. It only encourages them to keep their bad behavior up.