
“Should Hasan Minhaj Still Be a Contender for ‘Sexiest Man Alive?’” (Or maybe update the cons.)

I get asked (a LOT) if “we have [done something,]” or if “we can [do something].” My response is something like:

The only one I care about: “We.” Stop using “we” as shorthand for, “Anyone but me.”

Now playing

I can only take so much Brad Leone, but I made this and they’re great on sandwiches (or by themselves).

The only question I have is why more people in the video don’t look like Sam Smith (or me).

Amazing. From my email: “Last year I, one of the original Founders, bought the company back with the plan to relaunch it.” This is a selling point?

For those of you tempted: I paid, enjoyed one movie, and the app never worked again. Customer service gave itself 48 hours to respond, which doesn’t mean much when you’re

We’re really not going to mention that’s Pamela Adlon selling us a chicknfuhheedapeeda?

Any recommendations?

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but ... this slideshow is about 1/3 as long as it should be.

You want me to keep a key in my wallet? Where I keep my ID? With my home address on it? Am I unusually paranoid, or is this a terrible idea?

Same episode begins with the amazing moving-the-desk bit ... genius writing, beginning to end.

I am seeing a lot written about the formula shortage, and there’s an overwhelming amount of energy being given to explain “why” a person might “need” formula. If you don’t nurse, it’s none of my business why, and I will keep my fucking mouth shut. I don’t care if you just don’t wanna’ ... it’s NOMFB.

When my oldest kid was about 5yo, she and her younger sibs made me breakfast in bed for mother’s day ... then piled in with me and ate everything on the tray. (They left the mug of coffee for me.)

I’ve trained (over the past two decades) my family to flash the lights when they come into my office, whether I’m be-headphoned or not. It works, and I don’t have to stare at my aging mug all day.

Different Julie Brown. Video above is the MTV DJ ... Earth Girls Are Easy is the comedian/writer/singer.

Can confirm that Claire’s Burssels sprouts are 100% worth it ... bit hit at Thanksgiving.