
The reboot of “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler” sounds rad.

When each of my kids was 5ish years old, I told them that—while Santa does exist—when he started the gig things were a lot different. For example, there were hundreds of kids he needed to visit, not millions. Also, he gave one gift per kid, not everything on aisle 35 of Best Buy. So Santa still does his thing ... but

When each of my kids was 5ish years old, I told them thatwhile Santa does exist—when he started the gig things were a lot different. For example, there were hundreds of kids he needed to visit, not millions. Also, he gave one gift per kid, not everything on aisle 35 of Best Buy. So Santa still does his thing ... but

Not ALL Grays.”

I’ll follow you anywhere you go.

My thoughts exactly.

Watership Down. OMG.

This Item is Haunted, and I want to Fuck and/or Kill It by Men

My go-to is peanut butter mixed with balsamic, then grind some fancy salt on top ... sometimes I sprinkle some cheap-o parmesan instead of the salt. Heaven, either way.

Ah yes, the bespoke 50-inch flat screen.

I can’t get over Trixie and Katya saying NOTHING about the fact that the “works every time!” guy is Love Connie. WTF, queens??

Backyardigans. Have been watching this since my oldest was a teeny, and all my kids (now teens/early 20s) STILL watch when they’re home.

The show is fucking terrible.

This is set to the tune of,Buffalo Gals,” which I’m almost certain was originally performed by a minstrel singer in blackface.

[Spends 4 seconds Googling]


“Goop” was taken. This was the only possible remaining option.

Made these for my church potluck and now there are seven nice ladies who want to introduce you to their single adult children. (Will make again.)

Savannah Bridge Run entry fee: $25

We’re not going to talk about the week-old cherry tomatoes?