
To be fair he gave them some good advice and they have followed it. They went to the country their from for the purpose of fixing the broken government there.

Clearly she’s a liar, but is she a BAD enough liar for this job? That remains to be seen.

You’d rather he actually took steps to enact his agenda?

Obviously he heard her say it and thought it was just a thing you do when someone is saying something you don't like.

From now on we will reduce the employee beatings to only twice per day!

Someone spotted him in the previews, assuming this is not just a bit of snow.

Take a drink every time he describes a button as “little” or he uses his posh voice.

To be fair you have to read something, for Trump that is hard work.

Loathe as I am to praise anything Trump has done but the ideal tax situation is to owe a little at the end of the year. If you get a refund you’ve essentially given the government an interest free loan.

This Matt Salinger?

If step one is not to don full plate armor then this how to will not be helpful to me with the two monsters who live in my house.

Does he also understand that...”

Was the experiment to see how many unsolicited dick pics he would receive?

He’s not getting any calls of support because the white house switchboard is shut down right now.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is naive and wrong. Clearly Sarah Huckabee Sanders is not any better at lying.

Sure, it’s his name and not his racism, or narcissism, or stupidity, or corruption, or greed, or fascism, or...

This is a massive double bluff isn't it? The police would have to eliminate you as a suspect because no one would be dumb enough to confess to it in an public article.

Jack Chick's writing anti EU pamphlets now?

You’d rather he actual be trying to enact his agenda?