Is the twist going to be some more timeline shenanigans?
Is the twist going to be some more timeline shenanigans?
“Hello, Dom. You claim to care about family...”
I played Enter the Matrix and while I don’t remember much about the game I do remember jumping off ledges instead of climbing down ladders specifically so I didn’t need to see the animation.
Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.- 1 Peter 2:18
Fuck you, Bill Hader.
Really? No one asked for it?
You need only look at the replies to that tweet to see that no, this is has done nothing to stop those conspiracy theories.
They overturned Roe and still took the House. I think they did learn their lesson.
I know how you feel. It was a frigid 65F here yesterday.
To be fair being able to say to your employees: “This is how it is. If you don’t like it, tough!” is quite efficient.
Since they never figured out who The Watcher is it’s quite likely The Watcher watched The Watcher.
Yes, there’s a German word for that but this window has a character limit.
She’s acknowledging someone who isn’t me! This is an outrage!
Water? In California?
I got it at a small con last month despite being triple vaxed. I expect a ton of people are going to get it at SDCC.
And for only $5 you can summon two extra undead minions.
A smart one who realizes the guys have already fallen for one Ponzi scheme so you can probably bilk him into yours!
I know nothing about who he lost the primary to, but somehow I doubt it will be an improvement.
People peacefully using their free speech rights to protest an unjust decision that is not supported by the majority of the population. How is that not the best thing for a free society?