
According to them Antarctica is the edge and it’s an impassable ice wall. I’m not sure why a plane can’t just fly over it.

I stand corrected.

And an adverb beyond “very”.

Hey Sessions, quit fucking repeating the punchline! It ruins the joke!

Have you not read your own forums? It’s been pretty much nothing but that since the beginning.

Since when has something being hypocritical ever stopped Trump before?

Trump seemed to be doing a lot of sniffing at his press conference today.

So if I create a twitch channel and I’m boring can I complain about others “stealing” my viewers because people don’t want to watch me?

I meant large as in font size, not value.

You would expect someone who still likes Trump to go beyond the large number on his tweet?

What happens if he were to be expelled, does the Governor select a replacement?

She’ll be fine, she’ll just eat you.

What? The guy who was all about a massive child molestation conspiracy against Clinton doesn’t want to pursue this one? It’s almost as if protecting children was not his motivation!

I don’t know, seemed like the standard level I’ve come to expect over the past year or so.

Just remember to build your towers behind the farms so all the smallfolk get slaughtered while you hide.

I don’t even play Overwatch and even I know Widowtracer is the best ship.

The trailer for Cast Away even revealed the final shot of the movie.

I noticed that too as I scrolled past them, because there is no way I am subjecting myself to that.

This is one of the most nonsensical ideas I’ve ever heard. Even if coal did come back (it won’t) there is absolutely no downside to learning a new marketable skill.