
If only the Confederates had been allowed to enslave human beings a little bit that whole Civil War thing could have been avoided.

Sounds like she’s already paying the going rate.

This list will be updated.

Um...does he know...

Being unqualified is a chief qualification for working in the Trump Administration.

Now playing

In 2016, she called global warming a “kind of paganism” for “secular elites.”

On the 9/11 anniversary this year a radio station I listen to played a montage from that day and after. Naturally it featured some GWB speeches and I was amazed.

So we’ve got a man who thought The Handmaid’s Tale is a utopian novel and one who might start World War 3 because someone made fun of his hair on Twitter.

It’s hard to say how much of that is genuine, Poe’s Law and all.

Every photo of him speaking is so cringe inducing...

When has a little thing like verified facts ever stopped him from claiming anything?

I don’t even own enough whites to make a load. #thestruggleisreal

I’m sure those people who spent the last 8 years screeching about deficits will be equally appalled by this proposal... right?

If only he’d rented a private plane from Trump everything would have been fine.

Take it down a notch with the blush, Elsa.

Exactly. Therefore Obama made no progress against ISIS in his first year in office!

“Does he know that’s not how it works?” 

Turnabout is fair play. Remember when Obama demanded Trump be fired from NBC for saying he wasn’t born in Hawaii?