What’s “unreal” is that guy photoshopped into the driver’s seat. Couldn’t even find a picture of someone pointing the right direction?
What’s “unreal” is that guy photoshopped into the driver’s seat. Couldn’t even find a picture of someone pointing the right direction?
I have to scroll past the tweets at the bottom of these posts. I can’t handle direct exposure.
“Because I’m smart.”
From my understanding of the “Trump isn’t mentally ill” explanation for him to have narcissistic personality disorder it would need to negatively impact him in some way. So he can still be a raging narcissist but until he suffers some consequences from it it’s not a disorder.
But if the police is already saying: “fuck your policy we’ll do what we want” how does this help exactly?
A pair of Starcraft streamers did something similar a while ago. But they gave themselves some odd restriction to make it more competitive like moving their command centers away from the minerals or not using some key units.
I’m actually not sure if I am joking.
It’s a preemptive thanks for all the adoration for how well he will handle the hurricane.
And he also said Terminator: Genisys was great.
Doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to do.
How do I follow these blogs so I can see them on my kinja dashboard?
Not if you have to hire 5,000 of them.
Because we as taxpayers need to pay for him to have his ego fellated.
Trump is a clown and clowns are fucking scary.
Yoda piloting a fighter? Just doesn’t feel right.
China says they will stay neutral if North Korea attacks first, but if the US or South Korea launches a preemptive strike they would aide NK.
Can you imagine being tasked with somehow finding flattering pictures of him every day?
Winston was pretty fucked at the end.