I just finished Stephen King’s Cell. The middle third was good, but after the second major death it goes down hill.
I just finished Stephen King’s Cell. The middle third was good, but after the second major death it goes down hill.
Go to For Hims dot com if you need hair (or something else wink wink) to raise.
Did you get into Devo and Church of the Subgenius, too?
Beck, Cornershop, the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Wyclef Jean, UNKLE, and anyone else fusing hip-hop with other things was one of the things that made me the kind of person I am today. Along with the Tao Te Ching, Bluebeard, The Dharma Bums, and Lost Highway.
Joke’s on you. We were getting fucked up on The State and The Maxx and Amp and Æon Flux.
It wasn’t for us, but I got bored with whatever we were doing in 9th grade English so I read it myself while the teacher was teaching us about gerunds or some bullshit. I liked it a lot.
Also, I think the Secret Service will having something to say when you round up a certain buncha clowns.
So I says to Maude, I says...
Simpsons, eh?
That was Amy Adams!? I never noticed!
But I still don’t know if, like, the colors you see are the same as the colors I see. Like, what if what I call blue, you see as what I would call green, but we’d never know! We both just agree to call it blue!
When will white people finally catch a break after all this racist oppression!
I’m seeing double! 32 legs!
I’d have sworn to god we already heard this announced years ago. Getting old is a bitch.
This is a very misleading headline. I was hoping for a drunk Wolf.
Our slavish devotion to (certain) tenets of realism (a movement still in its relative infancy) is mind-boggling, given the capacity for art to express an infinite multitude of truths and perspectives using an infinite multitude of approaches. If talking head interviews can make a show better, then realism be damned!
So if he’d have been wearing a jacket and tie, you wouldn’t have minded the coughing and sneezing and spitting?
Unlike the Boomers, who worked so hard to ensure that successive generations would have a better li—[Puts finger to earpiece]—No, wait, I’m getting word that they have fucked everyone else financially, politically, and environmentally for their own short-term gains and that they will continue to fuck us because having…