
Never take an average customers word for anything. The customer is always right is just about the most false sentence ever created. It’s extremely possible that it was very clearly already opened on the side and she just didn’t notice.

Because no stores have shrink-wrap machines in the back *cough cough* the store I worked at last year *cough cough*

I had a beef with it when it launched. These days however, I kinda wish they’d grow their service and come up with some way to migrate most of my games off Steam. Valve just doesn’t give two shits about their customers these days. Account with hundreds of games lock up because of a hacker or a glitch? Please

Fuck all touchpads, but why is that parallelomonstrosity so far off kilter / center? You can see it even worse (better) on the head on pic:

You’d be amazed how many times we’re told, ‘it was shrink wrapped and came like this!’ At my job. Either it was returned with the side of the plastic cut enough to pop the game out and slide another disc in, or this is a money grab attempt by the mom.

It is good you have no issues with the lack of the disarming animation.

The face is one. The disarming is another.

*Cough* I say. *Cough*

Wow... must be some sort of future-based epidemic because I’m already feeling something coming on that I’m pretty sure won’t come to a head until the 21st of March.

Same, I was expecting November or even early next year.

I had “Fall 2017" in my head.

That is much sooner than I expected.

Absolutely not. It will be on Origin. (Which isn’t really as bad as it sounds with Steam being kind of stinky lately.)

Sounds like the normal typical behavior of anime fans that sit on the floor of Barnes and Noble and read manga for 5 hours straight.

Total War: Warhammer is probably my favorite game in that series apart from Shogun 2, it is also just plain one of the best warhammer games out there.

*sees “No Mans Sky” at the top*

James Franco’s 4th brother there looks like he is about to be touched inappropriately by an old homeless Russian man.

Now THIS is a hockey story about violence that we can ALL get behind!

Have you considered that shooters might just not be your thing? Because Halo (at least before 343 shoved in all the unnecessary garbage like perks and unlocks and loadouts) is as about as pure an FPS experience as you can get this side of Quake. This isn’t meant to be a knock on you at all, but I’ve noticed that

But if she won’t tell him you two are dating, then you’re not really her boyfriend.