
Sounds like you’ve never seen Nana.

So what’s the ethical issue? You didn’t answer the question, you just drew a distinction. Which in this case, I don’t see the distinction.

So, what’s the ethical issue?

It’s an ethical issue because it gives media / blogs more room to prattle about it.

I don’t get how this is an ethical issue. They got permission from Cushing’s estate, and from Carrie herself. Doing it without permission, yeah that’s an ethical issue. Doing it with, not at all.

Just another stop on Pokemon Go’s unerring dalliance into utter pointlessness

Why can’t you play both PS4 and PC?

They’re also responsible for Aliens Colonial Marines and Randy Pitchford is one of the biggest dbags in the entire industry. They absolutely do not deserve to be praised simply for getting a garbage game “out the door”. That’s ridiculous. DNF would have done better if it was just never released. I won’t entirely

Konami is literally the evil company people pretend EA is. They treated their employees like criminals and now clearly don’t give two shits about their customers unless those customers play pachinko. #FuckKonami.

The game for which the original trailer/art came out in 2008, with discussion of it being in production with time and effort being put in occurring around the same time, and then years later being “confirmed” to be in PRE production? That one? If by development you mean development hell then maybe, yeah. I could spot

They’re still in business but no longer give a shit about video games.

After all the memes I decided to pick Popplio when I started playing Pokemon Moon a few days ago. Then she evolved. >.> Not a fan.

Recasting Tarkin would be like recasting Han Solo. They could do it, but it’s not a real great idea. Their characters are very iconic and not many people look like them. That’s even more true for Mr Cushing. Even if the Han Solo movie is great, it’s going to be weird seeing someone who’s not Harrison Ford playing

That’s a pretty low res black and white image. Until I looked really closely at it, I thought it was a VHS as well. No need to be so snarky...

You mean Scott Baio or did I not get the joke?

Scott Bakula is confused as to why his name has been associated with the above picture of Scott Baio

That’s a controller??? Wow last thing I thought.

Is that a Cartridge or a VHS tape?

Everyone I know who has no idea who Peter Cushing is or that he’s dead had no idea that it was CG. Whereas quite a few people found Leia unnerving (I keep hearing the term “doll”), but I honestly think they forget she was an anime-eyed, heavily-rouged, round-faced teenager in the first film. Honestly, both looked