
Never take an average customers word for anything. The customer is always right is just about the most false sentence ever created. It’s extremely possible that it was very clearly already opened on the side and she just didn’t notice.

She just nonchalantly reaches out to push the gun down. You know what would happen in real life? Blam, blam, blam, blam. The fourth shot probably missed because she finally pushed it out of the way.

I had a beef with it when it launched. These days however, I kinda wish they’d grow their service and come up with some way to migrate most of my games off Steam. Valve just doesn’t give two shits about their customers these days. Account with hundreds of games lock up because of a hacker or a glitch? Please

You’re surprised a game you haven’t even played is on there? Total War Warhammer is the best Total War game I’ve played, by far. It’s also the best Warhammer Fantasy game I’ve ever played. I’m surprised it’s in the platinum group simply because it’s not a super popular genre, but I’m very happy that it is. It

Imo, she’s likely dating both of them and has somehow convinced both that she has no feelings for the other. It’s unfortunately easy to fool some lovesick people.

This is a pretty silly view to take. Yes, games are hard. However, this isn’t a new dev studio with no experience. These people should have an idea of what they need to do and what they need to do it.

He’s dead and he left no will regarding the issue. He has no opinion.

Don’t believe their lies. That game is never coming out. Seriously, research the years of lies they’ve told about that game. I am using the word lie correctly here btw. Some of what they said are literally lies.

They’re also responsible for Aliens Colonial Marines and Randy Pitchford is one of the biggest dbags in the entire industry. They absolutely do not deserve to be praised simply for getting a garbage game “out the door”. That’s ridiculous. DNF would have done better if it was just never released. I won’t entirely

Never underestimate the likelyhood of alcohol being a factor, regardless of age. 9 times out of 10 things like this are because of drunk driving.

Konami is literally the evil company people pretend EA is. They treated their employees like criminals and now clearly don’t give two shits about their customers unless those customers play pachinko. #FuckKonami.

Kind of crappy sales as pretty much all of these have been free or cheaper on the systems themselves. Still, nice to see them try. Kinda. Hope this continues. Hope even more they update prices when game prices drop. It’s weird seeing a disc sell for $10-20 and the digital code sell for $60 for so many games.

Kind of crappy sales as pretty much all of these have been free or cheaper on the systems themselves. Still, nice

To be fair, they suffered some of the biggest casualties because most of their command structure was staffed by idiot old men who refused to acknowledge that war had changed.

After all the memes I decided to pick Popplio when I started playing Pokemon Moon a few days ago. Then she evolved. >.> Not a fan.

Recasting Tarkin would be like recasting Han Solo. They could do it, but it’s not a real great idea. Their characters are very iconic and not many people look like them. That’s even more true for Mr Cushing. Even if the Han Solo movie is great, it’s going to be weird seeing someone who’s not Harrison Ford playing

Death Adder is by far the most comfortable mouse I’ve ever used. Great deal.

Death Adder is by far the most comfortable mouse I’ve ever used. Great deal.

That’s a pretty low res black and white image. Until I looked really closely at it, I thought it was a VHS as well. No need to be so snarky...


I’d rather they do something like streamlining the story and adding bonus xp for doing it kind of like The Old Republic does. Though TOR also has straight boosts. The problem in FFXIV is it’s VERY story driven so if a new player just boosts to high level they’re going to have no idea what’s going on.

It’s just a cultural stigma. It would be like walking around with bright pink hair in the 50's in the US. You’d be almost completely shunned. I’m not a tattoo guy at all, but I am happy the stigma about tattoos is starting to change in Japan.