Cici Whales

I hate it when people do this.
Beyoncé is not a perfect role model, no one is, except maybe Michelle Obama but then people still like to pick holes in her too.
I think that you should look to different role models for different things. Beyoncé is a successful, independent, black woman who has achieved massive success on

Now playing

Not to sound like an old fogey here, but the music video he did with Bjork for "I Miss You" is going to be hard to beat.

Eeeeew...mouth- mayo.

Yeah, she seems to play pretty regularly and has dates up on her website. She was doing a show every once and a while with Julia Sweeney called "The Jill and Julia Show", it's great and I think there are some on the Youtubes. Personally I think she's been a victim of the major labels and hitting too early to fully



I never took them as being that close, other than the title. One is about genuine enjoyment between two women, the other is all WinkWinkNudgeNudge about turning on men. And I like Katy Perry, but I wish the superior song — the Sobule version of the title — got more love.

My good deed for the day! It's like getting a popcorn husk out of a tooth, isn't it?

Oh. My. God THANK YOU. When Perry came out with Kissed a Girl and got all that attention, I was like, "wait a minute. She's not the first to do this. And the other girl did it way better!" and I could not believe that I was unable to find that damn song anywhere! It's been driving me nuts for years. *sigh of relief

I was so disappointed when I first heard Katy Perry's song and realized that it was not a cover Sobule's.

It's for SCIENCE!

de-BRIDE....! get it?

You are the North Korea of foods. Stop it RIGHT NOW.

It just seems like it's almost out of her range. When she's in her range (Wicked) she is pretty amazing. And screw you Rent the movie! Took out my favorite song!

Seriously. I'm starting to think that Welcome to Night Vale is a documentary. I am going to continue to avoid wheat and wheat by-products.

Her face has become a nightmare that would have made child-me cry, so I don't think she'd been very successful with those cosmetic procedures.

Basically! Also, if he is nothing like this character, why would even think that the character was base don him. Yeah, she used the same name, but still.

UGH you're so right. Thank you for adding these in.