Cici Whales

“That’s why US cities like Dallas, Atlanta, DC, Charlotte, and Kansas City have just opened brand-new streetcars.”

OMG HAHAHAHA. DC opened a street car? No, that waste of money has been in “testing” since 2013 without a hint of an actual opening date.

I feel stupider for having read this entire comment chain.

Wow, fuck this shit. I love my maxi dresses. They’re comfortable as fuck and who fucking cares what you think about the way my body looks in it?

Holy crap. It’s guessed right about several photos I’ve put up from various ages. HOW DOES IT KNOW?!

Aw man, I'm probably too late in this but:

That is so fantastic to hear. The mirena was the worst thing I've ever felt.

Hah. I just meant temporarily to see how the hormone effects you before you get the mirena inserted.

Mirena personally made me bonkers (gave me depression. Like the blank-emotional-state kind, not the I-feel-sad kind) but had no other side effects. But that's just generally how I react to hormonal birth control. If it's something you're really worried about they also make the hormone in mirena in pill variety.

Hey how was the pain when it came to the scarring over process?

As a staunch hater of pants, I love leggings. This is because they are not pants.

...that he's probably copied and pasted to several women.

I bet it's something like "MasterBob123" or something. Cause he seems super creative.

Grossest thing I've seen on DC's metro (yellow line I think) would be a gentleman sitting by the door picking scabs off of his body (and they were covering a large portion of his exposed skin) and sniffing them, examining them, rolling them between his fingers before POPPING THEM INTO HIS MOUTH AND CHEWING. The train

Oh my god, that pun. Get out.

I accidentally used salt instead of sugar in a batch of orange cranberry relish for Thanksgiving one year. I finished blending it and was like "here [room mate], try this!" She spit it out and I was about to get really offended when she was like "uuuuhg it's salt!" In my defense though, who puts salt in a new

I didn't realize that BDSM was something you could be a nerd about.

Did this whole video sound off key to anyone else?

He lied to me about his name. HIS NAME. (and many other things).