Cici Whales

How about we just let women wear whatever the fuck they feel comfortable in? Personally i’m not a fan of the maxi dress (I prefer knee-length dresses) but why does it matter that other women like to wear them?

if a maiden be graceful, doth not her grace become still more charmingly enhanced by the very poetry of motion?

Scarring over....of the fallopians? I don't know that there was pain. The day of the procedure i took off of work, mainly because my boss was awesome and when i said i was having outpatient surgery and needed a half day, he suggested i take the entire day. It didn't hurt, per se, though i hope to never have to take

I fart with wild abandon and laugh at the noises. I fart as I high kick. I fart while plié-ing. If I'm laying down, I stick my butt high up in the air and fart. I'll fart when I'm far enough into the relationship, but not with the same gusto.

I had a horrible disaster with my wedding invitations.

The invitations to my November 2001 wedding were mailed on September 10, 2001. The wedding venue? Windows on the World.



LOL. Yeah. And I bet he's the type to have a dick pick for an avatar. Who sends extremely presumtuous introductory messages that include instructions for exactly how he expects you to to behave with him. Gag.

"And both girls died in a car accident on prom night" is what really did me in.

Why is spring?

To be fair though it's still a step above being way to into Hemmingway.

A friend of mine did something similar by passing out in a full penguin costume on the dorm futon, then sadly, with a hangover, shuffling back to his own dorm the next morning with his flippers on. I saw them stuffed in a trashcan halfway across campus a few hours later.

Halloween, senior year of college. My friends and I went as a merry band of troubadours or something like that and won Best Group Costume (my other friend, in spectacular full drag as Mae West, won Best Costume). For some reason, I was semi-sober when I got home, was still dressed in my room when two carloads of

Oh god

I wish I had a photo of this sweet Halloween memory. One year in college Halloween landed on a weeknight, and I had an early class the next day so I pulled it together and stayed in. The next morning I was walking to said early class and I saw the SADDEST little bumblebee, holding her stinger in her hand, shuffling