Cici Whales

I love the original "16 going on 17" because it seems so sarcastic. She's clearly the initiator in the relationship, and she's trying to lead him on.

however, the song in itself sounds like someone just threw a bunch of random sound clips together. Like there are too many tracks going on at once.

She totally does sound flat. Hopefully just a bad night (because I love this song). But look at those gams! I'd kill for her legs.

I can't un-see Bill Compton. I look forward to the part when he drinks Carrie Underwood's blood.

Who knew Bill Compton had such a lovely voice? Wow.

So Derek Jeter is just the real-life version of Steve Holt.

"Two word review: shit sandwich."

I found them profoundly mirthless. If I wanted to see someone insist on doing something only to bitch incessantly the entire time, I would visit my family.

I think I got a yeast infection just from LOOKING at this outfit.

I'm bisexual. Fucking nobody buys it as a legit orientation. You're either experimenting, looking for attention, or in denial. Queer and straight communities. I generally keep it to myself because I'm sick of hearing it.

Yeah, you lost me at "amazingly talented Bret Easton Ellis..."

I am super washed out (I told him not to use flash!), but holy shitsnacks, it's Pam Poovey!

Peanuts are actually a legume, which have inflammatory properties, which make them not so ideal, as well as edamame, and soy bean. The bread is also not the healthiest choice because our bodies weren't meant to digest grains. The Jelly is maybe a little bit of a fruit, but mostly sugar... add it up. Not really all

Now playing

I came here expecting this. Very Disappointed.

Honestly, citing the name change of the film as undermining the heroine really hurts your point. Disney films with female leads have almost always referenced the lead in the title.

I wish she would come clean about how her crippling lack of sweat glands requires her to pant all the time to regulate her body temperature.

Chartreuse is such a phony.

Jager will give you herpes, and tell everyone you gave it to him.