Cici Whales

Do you not use the dryer?

My right goes back a little farther than my left but they're both pretty extreme.

It's actually determined by a recessive gene that must be passed on by both parents :)

The Alexandria library system is one of the best I've ever seen.

Or if you're in an area where cabs don't like to go. I've been stuck in a place for multiple hours way too often waiting on a call from a regular cab company.

If you don't have cash on hand but need a reliable cab service, try Uber. In my experience they're always on time and the drivers know what they're doing.

Aw, they didn't include hitchhiker's thumb.

Especially effective with the "bikini line sequin burn."

I get super vomity hangovers so usually taking pills or eating doesn't work because it doesn't spend enough time in my stomach. The only thing that works well for me is blowfish because I can drink it and go back to sleep until the caffeine wakes me up

I love how the wake boarder guys are all like "yeah, it's just the two us and our boards out there that are making the photos great." lol, wut? What about the other boarder? What about the people actually taking the pictures? Self involved much?

I use it to find higher quality pictures for our newsletter when ever my coworker puts in ugly low res versions.

Thanks. That definitely solves it. I'm just going to forget about it unless she mentions it to me.

So, I recently became aware that a woman I know is trans (not through anything she did, I just happened to accidentally see a comment that her family made on her facebook page that she took down almost right away). It really doesn't change the way I think about her in any way but now I kind of feel like I'm keeping a

Sorry, I don't have any posted online :(

My MOH took me to trapeze school for my bachelorette party. It was fantastic.

I totally agree. They did a great job with the TRON Legacy soundtrack.

It's a pretty awesome tat indeed but yours sounds awesome too! Is the Susan sketch online somewhere? I'd totally love to see your tat (though I can't show mine cause I don't post pictures of it publicly online). My two smaller tats are actually for people specifically (one for someone who died). So just yay tats

I'm right there with you. I have one large and two small tattoos (with plans for more) and my parents know nothing about them. The big one I've had for 10 years! And it doesn't help that the subject matter is a little fucked up (it's rainbow brite on drugs). I just plan on keeping it to myself as long as I can

I was just told to watch my fat intake before I got mine out or I'd be in excruciating pain. Was this diet after your cholecystectomy? I wonder if my recent bout with sodium OD had anything to do with my lack of gall bladder.

So I decided that I was too lazy to cook for myself and started using "diet to go." Well, their daily meals total to about 150% of your daily sodium. After doing it for three weeks I lost a bunch of weight but also ended up with an overdose of sodium that caused a pretty severe spike in my blood pressure and made me